Black Hole Vu+ Ultimo v. 2.0.4

Not again! Why? It takes hours too get everything back in working order again..

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2

Upgrade procedure

From BH2.0.3 to BH2.0.4
1. Personal Backup the BH2.0.3
2. Upgrade to BH2.0.4 via USB
3. Restore the Personal backup from BH2.0.3
4. Mount your USB again (if you got one)

From BHx.x.x to BH2.0.4
1. Howto to upgrade, saving all/most of your settings, when not possible to use Personal Backup (see link below).
2. Mount your USB again (if you got one)
3. Install all your needed plugins

Best regards
Got problems with streaming from pc. Pixelating picture...almost like the buffer goes empty. I have had the same problem before with 2.0.2
Got problems with streaming from pc. Pixelating picture...almost like the buffer goes empty. I have had the same problem before with 2.0.2

Can you post a little bit more details about your PC (including OS), mounted devices, network (wi-fi or cable), what kind of player, etc.
There is no probs with my box at all
can some one plz help me! I can"t find the **** config file? does some one where I can download it? I put just de BlackHole -2.0.4 ultimo
Thank u
Can you post a little bit more details about your PC (including OS), mounted devices, network (wi-fi or cable), what kind of player, etc.
There is no probs with my box at all

I have had this before to, but was fixed after a rev update. Intel I5, 6GB Ram, W7. Cabled VU Ultimo to a Cisco modem. I use Project Valerie and built in Media Player. Worked as a dream before flashing 2.0.4
I have had this before to, but was fixed after a rev update. Intel I5, 6GB Ram, W7. Cabled VU Ultimo to a Cisco modem. I use Project Valerie and built in Media Player. Worked as a dream before flashing 2.0.4
do you have same problem if using standard bh media player?
the first package to try to add is Djmount because it install fuse and fuse module that are the major candidtate in my opinion for hdd NTFS stuffs.
1- I was do a frech install of BH2.0.4 and the hdd not works correctly and not mounted;
2- i was activated Djmount: the hdd was detected, works an mounted correctly