BlackHole Vu+ Duo 1.3.9 Multiboot

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According to my tests, it is important for the file fast transfer and installation images
on USB
that after installing on the USB MeoBoot you make a complete
restart image. (turn box off/on )
The same goes for each new installation.

I have test install from older images PLI,VTi,Vix
all install OK .I have not test this images .
Is it possible to use 2 different USB DVB sticks with this?
Now i got Sundtek DVB-C/T and i´ll use it on cable network.
Can i add some other brand DVB-T stick to Vu, so i got then S2/S2/C/T tuners

From sundtek update info
- VU+ Duo has support for 2 USB DVB-C/T only sticks;wap2

Sundtek is pretty expensive, so i do not want buy another one and i allready got Kworld DVB-T 395U stick
Is it possible to use 2 different USB DVB sticks with this?
Now i got Sundtek DVB-C/T and i´ll use it on cable network.
Can i add some other brand DVB-T stick to Vu, so i got then S2/S2/C/T tuners

From sundtek update info
- VU+ Duo has support for 2 USB DVB-C/T only sticks

Sundtek is pretty expensive, so i do not want buy another one and i allready got Kworld DVB-T 395U stick

At the moment I've tested the usage of 2 USB DVB-T devices (2 dib0700 devices) but there is more work to do to make this solution works correctly and at the moemnt the BH support for Sundtek devices is not planned.

We are working to make AF9015 based devices like your, to work correctly with Vu+ boxes.

can you test the in Vu + WebControl and streaming from the PC to watch a channel?
I do not get it to work and another friend either.

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can you test the in Vu + WebControl and streaming from the PC to watch a channel?
I do not get it to work and another friend either.


I feel the same, I can not access via "vuwebcontrol".
The image is perfect, awesome. You are the numbers 1.

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