BlackHole Vu+ Duo v. 1.5 Multituner

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Hey angelofsky1980,
Did you get a chance to look at the Sundtek drivers I gave you the link to? I would love to get a tevii S660 as my 4th tuner but as I understand this will not be possible with the current Sundtek drivers.

Thanks for your help as always.

I've downloaded the package to install sundteck driver on my Duo but I haven't idea about use it.
If you can explain the usage of these drivers I appreciate very much your hints :)
Hi DD's,

The image server is ok ,,,all/any skin can be downloaded,,,,and then go 2...:-

menu>setup>>system>>>skin,,,a list will show and then select what U looking for,,OK,,,E2 will start ,,,,now U have the a new skin to enjoy!

If this process does not work for U,,,,then check the net connection,,,,:confused:!

Have fun W/BH

Uhm ... So you say there's a SKIN menu item down there? Funny thing is that's exactly what I've been looking for, but was unable to find.

I'll let you know, tnx

I've downloaded the package to install sundteck driver on my Duo but I haven't idea about use it.
If you can explain the usage of these drivers I appreciate very much your hints :)
I just realized I didn't point you to the correct driver package for the VU+. I thouhgt you just wanted their generic Linux drivers. Attached is the drivers IPK and the Control Center app. The IPK driver package will connect to their server and get the latest drivers.
Hope this helps

Let me know



I just realized I didn't point you to the correct driver package for the VU+. I thouhgt you just wanted their generic Linux drivers. Attached is the drivers IPK and the Control Center app. The IPK driver package will connect to their server and get the latest drivers.
Hope this helps

Let me know


Here is attached drivers part


In change log of new drivers said "Needs a image update...",so I think we must wait for new BH image if we want to use all benefits from this driver update.
BH 1.5 crashing with EMC (Enchanced Movie Center), is this EMC related error which causes it?

action: unPauseService
action ->  InfobarSeekActions unPauseService
action ->  InfobarShowHideActions toggleShow
action: unPauseService
action ->  InfobarSeekActions unPauseService
action ->  InfobarShowHideActions toggleShow
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 46, in action
    res = self.actions[action]()
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/", line 190, in toggleShow
AttributeError: 'EMCMediaCenter' object has no attribute 'InfoBar_NabDialog'
(PyObject_CallObject(<bound method ActionMap.action of <Components.ActionMap.ActionMap instance at 0x1b99df0>>,('InfobarShowHideActions', 'toggleShow')) failed)

It has crashed at least with these skins:
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