I thought as setting up the LCD display on the Duo2 is much easier than it was for the Ultimo, that members could post up there layouts for others to use.
The best ones will be added to the BH addon server (if you would rather they are not added to the server, then just make it clear in your post and we won't add it).
Please post a screenshot to show how it looks.
The file you need to upload can be found in /etc/enigma2
Here is mine to kick things off with:

To get the background to work, just add the included folder to /media/usb
The best ones will be added to the BH addon server (if you would rather they are not added to the server, then just make it clear in your post and we won't add it).
Please post a screenshot to show how it looks.
The file you need to upload can be found in /etc/enigma2
Here is mine to kick things off with:

To get the background to work, just add the included folder to /media/usb