Duo2 remote control problems

@Mick12334 I tried to disconnect and turn off everything Attached to the tv, removed all Remotes, turnd off the router, diconnected Phones\pads from wifi, and i even turned off the aircon.... but stiill the same.

only difference is if my tv is on or not.

tried to update software on my tv, but that didnt do anything good :(
Try contacting your television manufacturers, via their website, and see if they have any explanation, it might be as simple as turning off a feature, in the television menu.
@Mick12334 I tried to disconnect and turn off everything Attached to the tv, removed all Remotes, turnd off the router, diconnected Phones\pads from wifi, and i even turned off the aircon.... but stiill the same.

only difference is if my tv is on or not.

tried to update software on my tv, but that didnt do anything good :(

Try this if you haven´t tryed!

I´ve searched on internet, and have found some information concerning HDMI-CEC.


HDMI-CEC Trade Names
You often won’t see “HDMI-CEC” printed on a specifications list. Instead, you’ll see a branded “trade name.” These names all refer to HDMI-CEC, so they really exist only to confuse customers. If your TV has any of these features, it supports HDMI-CEC. You’ll need to know the name your TV’s manufacturer uses so you can hunt down and enable the disguised HDMI-CEC option on your TV.

  • AOC: E-link
  • Hitachi: HDMI-CEC (Thank you, Hitachi!)
  • LG: SimpLink
  • Mitsubishi: NetCommand for HDMI
  • Onkyo: RIHD (Remote Interactive over HDMI)
  • Panasonic: HDAVI Control, EZ-Sync, or VIERA Link
  • Philips: EasyLink
  • Pioneer: Kuro Link
  • Runco International: RuncoLink
  • Samsung: Anynet+
  • Sharp: Aquos Link
  • Sony: BRAVIA Sync
  • Toshiba: CE-Link or Regza Link
  • Vizio: CEC (Thank you, Vizio!)

In my case, Bravia Sync have to be activated!

In your case ---> Samsung ---> Anynet+

Make ... or see ... if Anynet+ is activated ---> If don´t ---> make it activated!

How to activate Anynet+

To add the device to the Anynet+ Device List, follow these steps:

  1. Turn on your TV.
  2. Press the TOOLS button on your remote control.

  3. The Tools menu appears on the screen. Anynet+ (HDMI-CEC) should appear at the top of the Tools Menu, select Anynet+ (HDMI-CEC) and press ENTER.


    Note: If Anynet+ (HDMI-CEC) does not appear the Anynet+ feature may be disabled.
  4. Highlight and select Device List using the ENTER Button.

  5. Start an Anynet+ Device Search by selecting Refresh. When the search finishes, the list should display the external Anynet+ device(s) connected to the TV.

  6. Activating An Anynet+ Device.
To activate your Anynet+ device, follow these steps:

  1. Turn your television on.
  2. Press the TOOLS button on your remote.

  3. Highlight Device List, and then press ENTER to select.

  4. Highlight the device you want to activate, and then press ENTER to select.

  5. The message "Connecting to Anynet+ Device..." appears on the screen. While your TV is connecting to the device, it will turn on the device if it is off, change the TV to the correct HDMI source, check supported resolutions, and establish other communications which it will use later.

  6. After your TV has connected, the Anynet+ (HDMI-CEC) section in the Tools menu will list extra Anynet features. Depending on your device, these options will differ. Below is an example of what the Tools menu would look like if your TV was connected to an Anynet+ Blu-Ray Player.

    Using this example, if you were to select BD Player Menu, the Blu-Ray's Menu would open and you would be able to control the Blu-Ray player with its own menu using the directional pad and ENTER button on the television's remote control. Likewise, if you select BD Player Operation, you would be able to control the player using the directional pad, Play, Stop, F.F., R.W., Pause, and ENTER buttons on the TV's remote.

Try this, and reply

best regards
@Mick12334 I tried to disconnect and turn off everything Attached to the tv, removed all Remotes, turnd off the router, diconnected Phones\pads from wifi, and i even turned off the aircon.... but stiill the same.

only difference is if my tv is on or not.

tried to update software on my tv, but that didnt do anything good :(


Already there were examples of similar problems.
Problem is not easy

It is necessary to determine whether the interference arrive through cables
or otherwise. (through air or noise from the screen)
It is necessary to connect the receiver on a location with interference
but with the another TV and the another power 220 V con , which is not the same with Plasma TV
Through an extension cable.

Have you got a ferrite cores when you bought a plasma.
If you have you can try to isolate the interference if it comes through the cables.

You can try to put the receiver further from plasma.
At least to see the effect of

The problem may be difficult.

So you should first determine whether the interference arrive via cables or not.
Hi mates!

I resolved the problem yesterday, before i went to nightshift... And the solution is kinda insane and unbeliveble!!

I covered up the IR sensor on my plasmaTV, so that my Samsung Remote could not work on my tv. But still the problem With the duo was there, so
there were no interference between samsung IR and and Duo2 IR signals.

Also figured that the Remote on duo2 worked if i changed to another channel on my tv than which my duo2 was Connected to,
So the dou2 was Connected to HDMI1 and i changed to HDMI2 Source... that means the tv was still on, but not displaying whats on the duo
just black screen. And the duo2 responded like it should... No lag.
So the problem was only there when the TV was displaying what`s on the duo

Then tried to Access a menu (seethrough) on the Samsung, so that the Samsung menu was partly covering the screen
and the dou Remote was working Perfect!!

Then tried to cover my tv screen With a bed sheet!!... and the Remote worked then aswell

Sooo, the problem was light from the plasma TV... When i found this i was on some Version of original VU image, And i tried to change skin to
something dark and it WORKED!!!

Then changed back to Blackhole 2.1.5 and chaged the skin there to Army Darksky, and its now working perfect:shocked: :dance:

So the white menulight on original VU image, and same white light on BH2.1.5 was somehow interfeering With the Remote Ir signals.
Sounds crazy, but thats my conclusion :)
And i am happy to have my New duo2 finally working like it should!

Thanks to all for replying to my posts!
To be completely sure about the cause you should be able to reproduce that problem again reactivating the original skin you were initially using on BH.
I think that the reason for this problem is not directly light
but interference frequencies produced by the TV at light-screen.

Maybe you can try to change the remote code for remote
How to search on the forum
Maybe it solves the problem.
I think that the reason for this problem is not directly light
but interference frequencies produced by the TV at light-screen.

Maybe you can try to change the remote code for remote
How to search on the forum
Maybe it solves the problem.

"interference frequencies produced by the TV at light-screen" yes, thats a better way to say it :)

Will definetly try to change the remotecode... but i think i would need to change the freguency its transmitting.
have tried to change from mode 2 to mode 1 but that was the same.
Will definetly try to change the remotecode... but i think i would need to change the freguency its transmitting.
have tried to change from mode 2 to mode 1 but that was the same.
Changing the mode (i.e. remotecode) is the only way to change the IR signal, no other possibility exists to change the remote's emitted "frequency".

Anyway, if the cause is due to the bright images shown on the screen, this problem might also occur during normal TV programs...
Anyway, if the cause is due to the bright images shown on the screen, this problem might also occur during normal TV programs...

I'm afraid it will be so.
So probably the only solution is moving the receiver to another position
as far away from the TV.
Hi mates!

I resolved the problem yesterday, before i went to nightshift... And the solution is kinda insane and unbeliveble!!

I covered up the IR sensor on my plasmaTV, so that my Samsung Remote could not work on my tv. But still the problem With the duo was there, so
there were no interference between samsung IR and and Duo2 IR signals.

Also figured that the Remote on duo2 worked if i changed to another channel on my tv than which my duo2 was Connected to,
So the dou2 was Connected to HDMI1 and i changed to HDMI2 Source... that means the tv was still on, but not displaying whats on the duo
just black screen. And the duo2 responded like it should... No lag.
So the problem was only there when the TV was displaying what`s on the duo

Then tried to Access a menu (seethrough) on the Samsung, so that the Samsung menu was partly covering the screen
and the dou Remote was working Perfect!!

Then tried to cover my tv screen With a bed sheet!!... and the Remote worked then aswell

Sooo, the problem was light from the plasma TV... When i found this i was on some Version of original VU image, And i tried to change skin to
something dark and it WORKED!!!

Then changed back to Blackhole 2.1.5 and chaged the skin there to Army Darksky, and its now working perfect:shocked: :dance:

So the white menulight on original VU image, and same white light on BH2.1.5 was somehow interfeering With the Remote Ir signals.
Sounds crazy, but thats my conclusion :)
And i am happy to have my New duo2 finally working like it should!

Thanks to all for replying to my posts!

I had the same problem with my IR and my Vu+ Duo2 connected into my LG Plasma 60'. When I first read your topic I thought: now way!
But how I have this problem for sometime I gave it a shot and VOILÀ. With the TV display covered by a sheet my IR works like a charm. So I did some tests with the video modes of my LG TV and got the same result when ENERGY SAVING MODE is set to MAXIMUM. This way the display is less bright and the IR works fine too.
Well, living and learning.
Thank you very much for sharing your problem and solution.
Hello, I read this discussion as I've had similar problems.
My setup is Duo2 and a Pioneer Plasma. And indeed, the problem seems to be the ir receiver in the Duo2. It is very sensitive to light from other sources, like the TV.

I also use a Logitech Hub remote control. It comes with IR blasters. I put one of them in a tube just in front the ir receiver at Duo2. The tube then keeps all other light away. Then the response in Duo2 is perfect.
Without tube but still using the IR blaster a few cm away from the ir receiver doesn't help, there is still interference from other sources (the TV screen).

Conclusion. The Duo2 ir receiver is very sensitive to noise from other sources. Shielding those off (or possibly using a 38kHz filter) solves the problem.
Bringing out the soldering iron and swapping the Duo2 ir receiver is also likely to work.
Hi I've been searching the forum for an answer to my problem and can't find a way to post my question.
My problem is my TV light is permanently on, on my vu+2 solo remote, which in turn is making remote useless.
I've renewed batteries but that didn't fix problem.
Any help much appreciated
Thanks for the reply Mick, I was thinking that myself and have been trying that all morning but all buttons seem responsive when pressed as the TV light goes out when I press any button on remote it just stays permanently on when no buttons pressed, if that makes sense
When I put batteries in it takes my vu box to menu section and won't let me come out of it.
I'm using vu+2solo for iptv
Scratch that, TV light stays on when I press red button on coloured buttons section also when I press + volume button and subtitle button lol all the rest TV light goes out when pressed.
Might be just goosed and I'll need to invest in a new remote:(
Naturally the TV light goes out, when you press a button, as you are effectively pressing 2 buttons, which negates the original action.
You seem to have narrowed down the problem, to 3 buttons, possibly all using the same circuit.
Have you, or anyone else, spilled anything, on the remote?
You can try taking it apart, and cleaning it, at the same time looking for obvious signs of damage.