DVB-S2X tuner

With the old tuner FBC 45208 you can not, it's a hardware problem.
With the new tuner FBC 45308 if you can, but only of the simple channels like the 3 that you indicate.
Pending the implementation of the software.
Hopefully they solve it when they want and can, if you are not satisfied, it is very correct to look for other manufacturers with the options you want.

Some do not overlook it, but we know that we buy.
600 euros ok, 1000 euros, well no (not counting the price of the hard drive).

Some we do not pass the issues by high, we take them into account and fuck of the pretty thing.
If only he were the only receiver that does not fulfill what was promised.

The VU+Zero4K has blind search, but better not to use.
Con los tuner viejos FBC 45208 no podras, es problema de hardware.
Con los nuevos tuner FBC 45308 si podras, pero solo de los canales sencillos como los 3 que indicas.
Pendiente la implementacion del software.
Esperemos que lo solucionen cuando quieran y puedan, si no estas conforme, es muy correcto que busque en otros fabricantes receptores con las opciones que quieres.

Algunos no lo pasamos por alto, pero sabemos que compramos.
600 euros ok, 1000 euros, pues no (sin contar el precio del disco duro).

Algunos no pasamos los temas por alto, los tenemos en cuenta y joden de lo lindo.
Si solo fuera el unico receptor que no cumple lo prometido.

El VU+Zero4K tiene busqueda ciega, pero mejor no usar.
En español para mi.
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600 + 100 (dvbc tunner) + 110 (dvbs2x tunner)=810
Almost 1000.... for what?! I bought a receiver with plug and play tunners who cannot fullfill all transponders. Vu + must tp respect people who buy their expensive products with more hardware support. It's that really hard to produce a tunner for that very expensive box like Ultimo 4k with multistream feature?! I have invested a lot of money for what??!?! That is not a receiver from 1990 is a receiver what i bought in 2017 WITH SLOTS FOR TUNNERS. And Vu + threw into the market a junk like 45308 (because for me is a junk for more than 100 EU). Money and time wasted with that 45308 tunner.... money for nothing. Honestly, i started to feel cheated. Because Dream can and Vu cannot do a simple thing: a good tunner for that VERY EXPENSIVE BOX.

Btw: I tested in the same antenna , same lnb (twin), same time Vu Ultimo with both 45208 and 45308 tunners and a Vu+ Zero 4k and SURPRISE! The tunner from zero 4k is more better at signal strentgh than 45208 and 45308 (who cost more than 100 euros) :) . Nice . Zero 4k locked a signal from a tp with very low signal and was a clear image with no blocks and freeze and on both 45208 and 45308 signal was NOT LOCKED...... For sure, i feeling cheated.

Probably my next box will NOT be a Vu ... Because Vu is playng with their clients with that joke named 45308 tunner.

I use my Vu box only for sat and cable reception , not for kodi or media....
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Prices today
VU+Ultimo4K + FCB Tuner Cable DVB-C + FCB Tuner Cable DVB-C = 574€
VU+Ultimo4K + FCB Tuner SAT DVB-2X + FCB Tuner SAT DVB-2X = 570€ (June 595€ )

As always, everyone buys where he wants and at the prices he wants, I buy cheaper by luck.
Very good the joke, in 1982, the same price.
Then a Pace with 2 analog tuner, the price, very similar.
In 1996, I bought an Echostar 2210 Viacees 600 € at exchange, it adds 2 CAM CI and similar, then without disc.

On the VU + Zero4K tuner.
In general it indicates more signal, it does not matter, when you measure low signals of truth, it measures less, but I say the same, it does not matter.

You are in an error if you think that measuring more signal, is to have better hearing.
Perform tests with these tuner and the VU + Zero4K
I can compare from where I live (Madrid) the signal of the Astra satellite channels at 28'2ºE, the channels for UK that can not be seen in the rest of Europe with small antennas.:haha:
Tuners 45208 and 45308 work very well, but if you put data by hand, they have to be 100% correct
(Inversion, Roll-Off, Pilot).
You have other manufacturers of satellite receivers that sure, do not cheat, luck with them.
For the satellites since 1980, everyone with their money does what they want.
Como siempre, cada uno compra donde quiere y a los precios que quiere, compro mas barato por suerte.
Muy bueno el chiste, en 1982, los mismos precio.
Entonces un Pace con 2 tuner analogicos, el precio, muy parecido.
En 1996 compre un Echostar 2210 Viacees 600€ al cambio, suma 2 CAM CI y similar, entonces sin disco.

Sobre el tuner del VU+Zero4K.
En general indica mas señal, no importa, cuando mides señales bajas de verdad, mide menos, pero digo lo mismo, no importa.

Estas en un error si piensas que medir mas señal, es tener mejor oido.
Realice unas pruebas con estos tuner y el VU+Zero4K
Puedo comparar desde donde vivo (Madrid) la señal de los canales del satelite Astra a 28'2ºE, los canales para UK que no se pueden ver en el resto de Europa con antenas pequeñas.:haha:
Los tuner 45208 y 45308 funcionan muy bien, pero si pones datos a mano, tienen que ser correctos al 100%
(Inversion, Roll-Off, Pilot).

Tienes otros fabricantes de receptores de satelite que seguro, no te engañan, suerte con ellos.
Por los satelites desde 1980, cada uno con su dinero hace lo que quiere.
En español para mi.
On the VU + Zero4K tuner.
In general it indicates more signal, it does not matter, when you measure low signals of truth, it measures less, but I say the same, it does not matter.

You are in an error if you think that measuring more signal, is to have better hearing.
Perform tests with these tuner and the VU + Zero4K
I can compare from where I live (Madrid) the signal of the Astra satellite channels at 28'2ºE, the channels for UK that can not be seen in the rest of Europe with small antennas.:haha:
Tuners 45208 and 45308 work very well, but if you put data by hand, they have to be 100% correct
(Inversion, Roll-Off, Pilot).
You have other manufacturers of satellite receivers that sure, do not cheat, luck with them.
For the satellites since 1980, everyone with their money does what they want.


On Vu zero 4k was locked with stable image on screen and on Ultimo 4k with 45208 and also 45308 tunners was NO SIGNAL AND LOGICALLY, NO IMAGE. Do u understand? Or is a measuring problem???!!?! NO SIGNAL ON 45208 and 45308, but in Zero 4k was locked and stable screen image. Do u want to tell u that in spanish to understand? 800-1000-1500 euros... Doesnt matter, always Vu Ultimo 4k is the most expensive sat receiver who can be on that moment, but who CANT MANAGE ALL SATELLITE TRANSPONDERS. For me 45308 is a JUNK, because is new arrived tunner who CANNOT FULLFILL ALL TYPE OF SAT CHANNELS. Do you understand what i say? For a lot of money Vu gave us a joke...
Remember, capital letters is screaming.

Since you do not want to understand what I'm saying, what channel do you tune into with VU + Zero4K and we get out of doubt quickly.
I have a motorized antenna and I hope I can tune in.
I put pictures of each deco and quickly get out of doubt.
I also have DreamBox and qviart lunix3 to see what other brands.
I always leave the Spanish version for me and not have to translate my part.
Recuerda, mayusculas es gritar.

Como no quieres entender lo que digo, que canal es el que sintonizas con VU+Zero4K y salimos de dudas rapidamente.
Tengo antena motorizada y espero poder sintonizar.
Pongo fotos de cada deco y salimos de dudas rapidamente.
Tambien tengo DreamBox y qviart lunix3 para ver que tal otras marcas.

Siempre dejo la version es español para mi y no tener que traducir mi parte.
En español para mi.
On Vu zero 4k was locked with stable image on screen and on Ultimo 4k with 45208 and also 45308 tunners was NO SIGNAL AND LOGICALLY, NO IMAGE. Do u understand? Or is a measuring problem???!!?! NO SIGNAL ON 45208 and 45308, but in Zero 4k was locked and stable screen image. Do u want to tell u that in spanish to understand? 800-1000-1500 euros... Doesnt matter, always Vu Ultimo 4k is the most expensive sat receiver who can be on that moment, but who CANT MANAGE ALL SATELLITE TRANSPONDERS. For me 45308 is a JUNK, because is new arrived tunner who CANNOT FULLFILL ALL TYPE OF SAT CHANNELS. Do you understand what i say? For a lot of money Vu gave us a joke...

I have tested many brand receiver under enigma2
(dream 900.vu + solo2 vu + solo4k vu + uno 4kse gigablue. octagon 4008 4k)
and other under android
the best for weak satellite signals hor zonne de couverture
1: octagon sf 4008 4k
2: vu + ....
3: gigablue
4: dreambox 900 uhd
It's like comparing a bus many passengers (FBC Tuner many signals/channels) and car few passengers ( Analog tuner few signals/channels )

It is constantly forgetting one important tuner feature for many users
which will play a bigger role now and in the future, and this is FBC.

Full Band Capture (FBC)

Of course, this functionality does not provide much to those who do not have the additional equipment, SAT installation to take advantage of these capabilities.

When you rearrange the tuners then you will see the differences and the first is
whether that's the standard I call it an analog tuner
or FBC digital tuner.

So if you want to compare the receivers then compare those with FBC tuners
as a special group
and those with standard tuners.

There are significant differences in the conversion, filtering, and signal demodulation methods.

Generally speaking tuners based on analog technology are still there
a little better for receiving weak signals because they have better analog filtering
at the entrance of the receiver.
But the difference is very small for most satellite receiver users
FBC functionality is far more important for the future of SAT television and the effective use of receivers for various purposes. Recording, transcoding, PiP, rapid channel change and more.

So those who now criticize VU + and not their knowledge of tuners and possibilities

How Much I Know VU + Tuners Meet All Sales Specifications.
What does it mean if we get some extra options? (I do not know that)
like MIS we can only be happy.

So for the exotic weak signal hunters for now it's still possible
more interesting tuner without FBC functionality.
And this is true for old tuners, some of them have similar features as new
S2X tuners(NOT FBC) when it comes to weak transponders.

It is true that the Zero 4K has an outstanding tuner
but that does not mean that others have a bad tuner.

And why I explain it because of the signal filtering but with no FBC functionality.

Thanks to OpenPli wiki tuners and difference
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hi I have a problem with my demodulator saw + zero 4k when I turn on the demodulator it works quickly but after 3 minutes it becomes very slow and inzapping knowing that I changed all the images but I think this problem is to back to heat ..

Knowing that I bought for 5 months
I bought a expensive receiver who cannot fullfil all sat transponders.... It's ok, no problem... But then i bought a new released s2x tunner to do that... and... also, not capable to do that. Honestly, i m not interested about FBC, I use vu box only for sat and cable reception, with a lot of CI and cards, 5 fixed dishes with 10 lnb and 1 motorised. I was waiting a lot of months for that tunner and I expected from vu to release a updated tunner with also multistream feature and Vu gave me a joke. On the market are more cheap receiver who can manage all sat channels, not like FBC receiver from very expensive Vu. I dont care about FBC , kodi, transcoding, pips, multirecording or others. Take back that FBC who cannot receive all sat transponders and gave me one who can. Or must also use another box who can? But what to do with my Vu Ultimo who is not capable to receive all sat channels also with the new creation from Vu, the big joke named 45308? Must to sale it? Or Vu must to respect me and to do a decent tunner for sat reception? Or here we talk about media and movie players and streamers or talk about sat reception?
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I understand your wishes and disappointment.
There is a difference between wishes and possibilities.
Now to blame VU+ on this way ,VU+ did not fulfill your wishes.
Still, it is far away.
You knew before buying, what specifications and capabilities these tuners have.
We are talking about the possibilities so far , and technical specifications.
Will it be possible , something more I do not know.I did not want to speculate.
Of course we all want more.
But to blame VU + that did not fulfill your expectations and did not promise for me is not fair.
You got what you bought.
You want more.
That's what we want also.
I bought a expensive receiver who cannot fullfil all sat transponders.... It's ok, no problem... But then i bought a new released s2x tunner to do that... and... also, not capable to do that. Honestly, i m not interested about FBC, I use vu box only for sat and cable reception, with a lot of CI and cards, 5 fixed dishes with 10 lnb and 1 motorised. I was waiting a lot of months for that tunner and I expected from vu to release a updated tunner with also multistream feature and Vu gave me a joke. On the market are more cheap receiver who can manage all sat channels, not like FBC receiver from very expensive Vu. I dont care about FBC , kodi, transcoding, pips, multirecording or others. Take back that FBC who cannot receive all sat transponders and gave me one who can. Or must also use another box who can? But what to do with my Vu Ultimo who is not capable to receive all sat channels also with the new creation from Vu, the big joke named 45308? Must to sale it? Or Vu must to respect me and to do a decent tunner for sat reception? Or here we talk about media and movie players and streamers or talk about sat reception?

Do you have time to watch TV with all these dishes and cards and channels? Yes, surely, without a dozen of channels and without multistream, I cannot do anything with my VU+... I cannot live without MS and their SD channels.
ha ha, now we are ironic... Maybe u have time with all your 10 tunners :).

I think u are not understand what i say. I understand @Matrix as a defender of Vu, because without BH support vu it would never have been where is it now..... but you?

Ok, for who know, i have a question
The multistream problem from 45308 new tunner is a hardware or a software issue? Is any chance to be solved that issue with a software update in the future? Or must to wait another time for another tunner?

Do not forget to mention what channels (TP/frequencies and satellite) are so that we can all watch with other receivers cheaper than that.
No olvides comentar que canales (TP/frecuencias y satelite) son para que todos podamos mirar con otros receptores mas baratos que tal.

Do not forget to mention what channels (TP/frequencies and satellite) are so that we can all watch with other receivers cheaper than that.
No olvides comentar que canales (TP/frecuencias y satelite) son para que todos podamos mirar con otros receptores mas baratos que tal.
By now it has been said and said. chel ultimo4k and members do not receive the multistream signals, had to go out a special turner a year ago but today nothing is known. I have not even figured out yet if the duo4k will tune them. I know it's a big mistake. my last 4k l I put in the cabinet waiting for some news and use another receiver that tunes the multistream. the channels you saw at 33 east are not in multistream. but they transmit in dvbs2x (a whole other thing) and the ultimo4k's tuners tune them
ok 100%

Tuner FBC DVB-S2X....channels..... yes
Tuner FBC DVB-S2X....multistream...Not today, tomorrow will be seen (yes/no)
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[QUOTE="..............Tuner FBC DVB-S2X....multistream...Not today, tomorrow will be seen (yes/no)[/QUOTE]

We hope but being realistic we have very little hope