Elegance HD

Dear MX10
How can i add Grey semi-transparent Frame to subtitles ?
I have change size successfully.
<sub font="Regular;54" foregroundColor="#ffffff" name="Subtitle_TTX" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="-3,-3" />
<sub font="Regular;54" foregroundColor="#ffffff" name="Subtitle_Regular" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="-3,-3" />
<sub font="Replacement;54" foregroundColor="#ffffff" name="Subtitle_Bold" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="-3,-3" />
<sub font="Regular;54" foregroundColor="#ffffff" name="Subtitle_Italic" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="-3,-3" />
If I may suggest master MX10,
An option to change Subtitle properties (Size/Colour/Position/Frame/etc...) it will be most welcome.
This Days VU+ Receivers are playing Movies better then media-Players.
Yes I agree, I miss new projects of our master MX, I understand you need rest, but we are (well) accustomed with yours wonderful projects. :yes: