EPG for IPTV Channels

I too have been using Vu+ receivers for years.
Bit harsh to blame Vu+ for iptv related shortcomings really, afterall these boxes are primarily for sat/terrestrial/cable tv.
CrossEPG works very well for me for Sat and terrestrial channels, I wouldn't even bother using ANY epg for iptv.
You have to realize that the majority of iptv streams are only there for a short while because they are streamed through illegal means, so they change all the time.
To have a working EPG for these you would need to know the source of the country the stream is coming from to get the programming sequence. Then there is also the time difference to take into consideration.
Kodi is free and more and more of the world population is starting to use it. The providers realize they are starting to miss out on subscriptions so copyright crackdowns take a lot of apps of the market through the threat of legal percussions. Just last week Phoenix closed down.
If you want free iptv, you need to expect to work for it by keeping things updated manually.
Don't blame Vu+ for not supporting iptv.

Spot on mate VU+ not to blame, the machine (I have Duo and Duo2) was only really for Sat (and cable/Terr` if have the other tuners) For all the other add ons you can use was/is a reall bonus. With whats happend lately with lost chs (Ok will not go into this as will be banned) I`m thinking of moving over to IPTV with a different box but will see if I can get longer use with my DUO2 before I jump ship.
Spot on mate VU+ not to blame, the machine (I have Duo and Duo2) was only really for Sat (and cable/Terr` if have the other tuners) For all the other add ons you can use was/is a reall bonus. With whats happend lately with lost chs (Ok will not go into this as will be banned) I`m thinking of moving over to IPTV with a different box but will see if I can get longer use with my DUO2 before I jump ship.

You've already broken the rules.
The next time follows the ban.

No discussion about the illegal use of box SAT or IPTV.
hi, sorry for being a bit thick but I've got an EPG URL from my provider but no idea how to use it on my Vu+ Duo2 box running OpenVix 5.0.018. How/where do I enter it? (if that's actually possible)

thanks in advance for any info
hi, sorry for being a bit thick but I've got an EPG URL from my provider but no idea how to use it on my Vu+ Duo2 box running OpenVix 5.0.018. How/where do I enter it? (if that's actually possible)

thanks in advance for any info

You must ask on the Vix board.
We only give support to BlackHole or Open BlackHole Images.

best regards

For EPG and picon you can to use THE soft, I nammed E-Channelizer and join my tuto (sorry in french) for illustration...


Belle initiative pour le tuto et etant adepte de Dreamset depuis le début...

Mais là, je ne saurais trop te conseiller d'adopter immediatement E-Channelizer et même laisser tomber Dreamset complétement dépassé...

Il permet egalement d'inclure à la volée, l'EPG et/ou picon et la configuration des playlist et autres...


Pour l'EPG et Picon ça se fait en un tour de main...


Et aussi configuer sa playlist ou lien avec le player desiré (4097/5001/5002) d'un seul clic...


Et y a même possibilite de faire un glisser/deposer avec Ctrl et souris via les services sur la gauche, ce qui rend le travail encore plus simple :smile2:

Et enfin de visionner le stream directement via le soft...


I can't tell you lot where to look for a full EPG for all Images and all Enigma2 Boxes but I will tell you that I am a part of the AutoIPTV Dev team with a UKSAT IPTV provider.


We have a full UK EPG and about 40-50% non UK EPG at the moment and are working on more.
Forgot to mention this is all put into an ipk with a configure script for user inpit. It is tied to a specific provider but iy you can mess about and edit a file you can get around that.