FBC DVB-S2X compatible with older LNBs ?


Vu+ Newbie
Just got an upgrade today from my older vuo duo2 - It works great , however I need to understand whether the tuners that come in with the box FBC DVB-S2X (45308X) is backwards compatible with older LNBs?
Currently can't seem to connect see any sat channels through these new tuners
Any ideas?
Forgot to confirm that I upgraded to to a Duo4K. The two tuners connect to a 28.2E and a USALS (motorised) dish respectively. This far I haven't been able to see any channels out of these tuners. Running on latest OBH.
I would agree with this however, I am seeing the opposite, i.e nothing out of these two tuners. Am I missing something ?

I don't know that
something is wrong.
These tuners worked with my motorized system and LNB is about 10 years old , on all VU + boxes and all types of tuners.
As Matrix said, LNBs have nothing to do with tuners: the signal is there whatever LNB you have. Then, if you have a tuner able to get such channels, OK, you get it.
If you can't get channels it means you configured your tuners wrongly.
Maybe, if you post all the screens of your tuner configuration, we can be of some help...
Better if you grab these screens by a browser (IP_OF_YOUR_BOX/grab)
I am attaching a few screenshots of the way the tuners are setup currently. Hopefully you can make some sense out of it. P.S. I removed my new Duo4K and connected my old Duo2 back in and all channels appeared .. I might be missing something - hopefully you can point me to the right direction
Tuner D is setup as a SatCR/Unicable LNB if you have old LNBs i guess its not a SatCR head and tuner D is wrong and might cause the problems.

And if you have a SatCR LNB then you must chose the correct Manufactor if not SatCR then there is your problem
For Tuner D I don't get another option to configure , i.e. options for Type of LNB/Device is only SCR(unicable/Jess) and in SCR type options are SCR LNB or SCR switch ..
And what do you have attached to tuner D since your setup tells me that you have 2 Terrestrial Tuner and 2 DVB-S tuners

So A-B-C-D are physical tuners and all the others are virtual tuners and need to be configured to the correct Tuner Type of A-B-C-D
I will need to disable the Terrestrial tuners, nothing attached to them currently. So Tuner C is attached to a motorised dish and Tuner D is attached to an old Sky dish
OK then at least i have a picture in my mind thats correct with your messy setup :) ;)

So lets take it from there.

On the motor dish do you have 1 LNB or several LNBs and a diseq ?
and on the old sky dish 1 LNB ?
I really don't understand what kind of satellite installation you have
and what kind of LNB.
Without that, it is impossible to know what configuration you can use.
Do you have SCR or universal LNB.
If you have universal LNB then you have misconfigured tuner D
Then configure Tuner C as Universal LNB with USALS as you have, connect cabel from motor dish to Tuner C
and Tuner D as a Universal LNB singel satellite, Connect cabel from sky dish to Tuner D and all should work just fine
Yes, it's a mess: this was also my first thought. And IT'S IMPOSSIBLE you don't have the possibility to choose a Universal LNB for tuner D. This setup is a nonsense. But, above all, why did you set Tuner D as ADVANCED if you have a Universal LNB and only one satellite there?
And, finally, isn't that you are ALSO using a DiseqC switch for the two dishes? If so, you must set the diseqC command for tuner D.
I suppose we all understood you have 2 cables from the two LNBs, one motorised and one not on 28,2E.
But if you are using only one cable, tell us please: we are not guests at your home and not guessers.
Cables are connected correctly , from motor to Tuner C and sky disk to Tuner D. In the tuner configuration I can't select universal LNB only SCR. These options are only available if I configure Tuners I & J
But you did not answer: why don't you use Simple mode for 28,2E? If you don't have a Unicable/SCR, there's no need to use Advanced configuration.
Better use configuration mode simple and not advanced
if your antennas are physically well positioned.

one tuner I

Configuration mode simple
Mode postioner
Longitude and Latitude for your location

another physical tuner J
Configuration mode simple
Mode single
satellites 28.2


or vice versa First J and second I
virtual tuners configs
Config Mode loopthrough
connected to each other and to physical tuners
Yes, it's a mess: this was also my first thought. And IT'S IMPOSSIBLE you don't have the possibility to choose a Universal LNB for tuner D. This setup is a nonsense. But, above all, why did you set Tuner D as ADVANCED if you have a Universal LNB and only one satellite there?
And, finally, isn't that you are ALSO using a DiseqC switch for the two dishes? If so, you must set the diseqC command for tuner D.
I suppose we all understood you have 2 cables from the two LNBs, one motorised and one not on 28,2E.
But if you are using only one cable, tell us please: we are not guests at your home and not guessers.
I am using two cables , one from a Sky dish to tuner D and one from a motor dish to Tuner C. I don't know why but I cant select universal LNB on either of tuner C & D configurations . That option (universal LNB) is only available if I try and configure tuners I & J. That is what is baffling me right now and I am trying to get some help from this forum.