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Tsk Halus eline saglik
Sorry but i don't understand the language
Is there any piconpack för 0,8W Sweden (Canal Digital) or is it possible to fix one. I have all the picons in format 100x60 and on the new 2.1.5 image they look so small. Is it just to resize them?
Download from the feed servers or by this link:
For the skins 1920x1080 from Blackhole 2.1.5 image ( Latest one ) it must be 220x132 -> to fit on picon area.
best regards
An sorry I find out thats 4,8 E not Thor 0,8 W so it will not work for me
Does anybody know a good program for MAC to resize icons?
tebrikler halus usta
burada ilk mesajımı yazdım buarada
Ill ask halus61 to make picon for 0.8W on he's speare time
0.8w de xpicon istiyorlar Halus dostum mumkunselevi hocam arkadaşlar ne istiyor ? biliyorsun no ing...
0.8w de xpicon istiyorlar Halus dostum mumkunse
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Tamam Halus sildim ben dosyayihallederiz levi hocam.şu 195. mesajı silebilirmiyiz bizim konuyla alakası yok (20 senelik piconları vermiş) burası Transparent saygılar...