This changes everything.
1) This is not a SCR
2) it has it's internal diseqc controller, so it's been some years I replaced something similar. But, if it works like my former Inverto monoblock dual feed (this must be specified, that's a dual feed) how can you connect 2 boxes with it?
It's possible, of course, to split its signal, but it'll be a mess if you'll be using the two boxes at the same time.
Why did you opt for such an old technology?
Much better two have two different LNBs for 13E e 19,2E: one can also be SCR and the other one Universal.
This way,
at least 13E will be used without problems by more than one box.
But you'll need two cables.
If you can't use two cables, you'll have a lot of limitations to use this kind of LNB connected to two boxes (unless they are used once at the time, of course).
And the two cables, as said in my previous post, are anyway needed for the two boxes after a SCR splitter.
There is also another chance, particularly using OBH where simpler to configure: only one box physically connected to the dish and the other one using the so called fallback tuner's configuration being in the same local network.
But this requires more studying, in case you are new to this subject...

And, of course it requires two VU+ boxes or others where the Fallback is a feature.