How to setup Black Hole Cron Manger

where does use this plugin?
that is for checking email ?

No it is not a Plug-in,,,and it will not check e-mail !
I would recommend that U read more posts about the usages of BH image , the Vuplus-Community forum is rich with information!
No it is not a Plug-in,,,and it will not check e-mail !
I would recommend that U read more posts about the usages of BH image , the Vuplus-Community forum is rich with information!
thanks alot
whats the best plugin for checking email yahoo (no gmail) just email yahoo
thanks alot
whats the best plugin for checking email yahoo (no gmail) just email yahoo

Use your Smart-Phone.:lol:..I relay do not know,,,:wallbash:...but may be U can use the Oprah Browser plugin,,,,its part of the image...make serach for it at the forum,,,May be U will find it!
I have a Vu Plus Duo Box.
I want to put a command to restart at every 24 hours one time.
After that I want box to go to stand by.
Witch are the script(or command) to make these two desires automatically.
I read that in this post:
"when it reboots does it go to stanby
when it restarts enigma does it go to standy after that ?"

"you can set up box standby 1 minute after reboot or enigma restart, e.g.:
reboot or restart E2 00:00
standby 00:01
These are predefined commands in bh"

but I can't understand where I put that two command(reboot and stand by).
In cron manager I can put restart at predefined time, but after that the box remain "ON", and the TV remain "ON" (I have HDMI CEC enabled).

I use most of time the box in stand by mode(especially the night), and when I put the command "restart" in bh cron manager(e.g. 00.00) the box and the TV start to work after restart automaticaly of the box.

Can anyone explain for dummie what I must to do!

Thank You very much!
Sorry my poor english!