mrc b1
how do i check plz?Which version of the VU+ Solo?
The original VU+ Solo has been superceded, by the VU+ Solo 2, and the VU+ Solo SE, and SE v2.
If you have the old VU+ Solo I'd first check if it's genuine, as there are a lot of clones.
Post some photos of your box (front, back and top) do i check plz?
How do I know that the image is being installed? Does the green light blinks? Do I see any progress on the TV?
You are OT in this threadMy Vu+ Solo2 with Open Blackhole 0.6 has crashed and the crash log says not enough space (unable to paste crash log), reading around I gather I have to use the "Plug in mover" to free up space on my flash drive. I have downloaded the file and would try to do this later when I get home, please could anyone tell me how I should use this file?
Should it be unzipped onto a usb and inserted in the set or it should be installed via FTP?