What about ******* shop? Genuine, clones or overproduction?
Why there is no warning on VU+ web page or on forums?
... and it is mentioned there: Step 1) Update your software (image) with the version higher than 6.0
Is that official image coming on VU+ receivers? Is this plugin present in BH image?
I am trying to avoid clone, but sellers will not advertise them as a clone, and will try to trick buyers and sell them clone for the price of genuine box. That's the problem.
As I know, there is not SOLO2 clone on the market.
Can you flash Blackhole on a Clone ? I saw at menu Info , that my boxes was flashed with blackhole 2.0.5, at this site! can I upload using blackhole from this site ?
Comes to something, when they can't even spell Duo correctly.Late, but if it's any use, here's the warning signs the white stickers, and over the power lead socket you should be seeing "Made in Korea"