IPTV Channel Updater

Several of the channels is kinda in 2 parts, top/bottom, anybody knows why ??

For example the Norwegian TV2Norge, and I'm not situated (ip) in Norway,
same with DR1 and SVT1 different countries, is this a scandinavien syndrom

edit: from europe package
To clear almost streams install gstreamer plugin from your panel and put this files libgstfragmented,
libgstasf, and librtmp.so
to usr/lib/ and usr/lib/gstreamer/ , give the attribute 755
send file userbouquet.favourites.tv on etc/enigma2/
restart gui

thanks to java


for example if you already have this this file, it will be gone
so perhaps some tests first.
-"send file userbouquet.favourites.tv on etc/enigma2/"

and libxxxx to 2 different folders (what about symlinks) ???
Finaly , I'm getting closer :thanks:.
I've adjusted my "bouquets.tv" and copied your "userbouquet.favourites.tv" in post#4 to newname
Is that all (just now) entries from those TWO ipk's, or just jav@ as stated ??
Kinda different bouquetslayout compared to Nobody28.

Going to look closer to gstreamer and libxxxx later and se if it helps me with -"kinda in 2 parts, top/bottom" edit : post#3
hi guys has anybody got this plugin IPTV List Updater 0.80 working bcoz ive tryed everything but no luck ome advice!plzzz any help/info would be greatly appreciate
I am running without problems,
so the first thing you do, the file in / tmp and by telnet you give this command,
opkg install --force-depends /tmp/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptv-list-updater_0.80_mips32el.ipk
Gui then you're doing is important,
then you hit the green button gehts du IPTV Channel Updates,
since you can choose what you Bouquette you want to have and hit ok,
Gui restart and that's it.


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I am running without problems,
so the first thing you do, the file in / tmp and by telnet you give this command,
opkg install --force-depends /tmp/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptv-list-updater_0.80_mips32el.ipk
Gui then you're doing is important,
then you hit the green button gehts du IPTV Channel Updates,
since you can choose what you Bouquette you want to have and hit ok,
Gui restart and that's it.
Thank u so much m8y all sorted now
well ive been playing with this plugin for days now and i've had no luck with xxx plus many of the streams are not working .got all the above files in gstreamer so i don't know where i'm going wrong solo2 blackhole 2.0.3

vu+ solo2 bh 2.0.3
Hi sat gr,

I need some help, because I'm trying to do all the things informed here, but here's the output when I try to install this package:

root@azboxhd:/var/volatile/tmp# opkg install --force-depends enigma2-plugin-exte
Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptv-list-updater (0.70) to root...
Checking for an older version of IPTV List Updater in the system...
An older version of IPTV List Updater was found and removed
Proceeding to installation...
Configuring enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptv-list-updater.
* IPTV List Updater installed *
* *
* Restart the Engima2 GUI to activate the plugin *
Collected errors:
* satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for enigma2-pl
* librtmp-bin * azboxhd login: root
After this, of course, I restart the gui and / or the receiver (AZBox Premium HD + with OpenRSI and Kernel 3.3.1, but nothing happens.
@cyborgpunte do you mean me?

@seagate1 but that's not the plugin lol
not all hold left for ever

@marcosturo What OE is it with you?
I belief you have OE 1.6, if so can forget.
Hi sat gr,

I need some help, because I'm trying to do all the things informed here, but here's the output when I try to install this package:

root@azboxhd:/var/volatile/tmp# opkg install --force-depends enigma2-plugin-exte
Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptv-list-updater (0.70) to root...
Checking for an older version of IPTV List Updater in the system...
An older version of IPTV List Updater was found and removed
Proceeding to installation...
Configuring enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptv-list-updater.
* IPTV List Updater installed *
* *
* Restart the Engima2 GUI to activate the plugin *
Collected errors:
* satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for enigma2-pl
* librtmp-bin * azboxhd login: root
After this, of course, I restart the gui and / or the receiver (AZBox Premium HD + with OpenRSI and Kernel 3.3.1, but nothing happens.

No support for diffrent branded boxes. Only Vu+ here.