Latest Mediaportal


Ok here we go with another try
I Upload a .zip File called MP unzip that File
than open DCC or use any other FTP Programm
Navigate to :
Copy all Files,that files from the unzipped MP File,into this Directory
Note: the Files are reddy to use you have to do nothing else!!
Reboot your Box
Now Install MediaPortal 7.5.7 or 7.5.8 from the BH Feed
Note 2 the MP 7.5.8 has nothing new only the python_six fix/solution
so you can also use 7.5.7
Hope this will Help you


tryed also this,but again something called python-imaging is missing.So not working.tryed 7.5.8

This happens to you because you are using an outdated image ( blackhole 2.1.7 ). If you use instead BlackHole 3.02F instead, you should be able to run Mediaportal 7.5.8.

best regards
Why did the old ones worked with 2.1.7 until this 7.5.7. I have tryed these newer images,if i install mediaportal there is not enough memory to run it.With newest mp there are not working links fixed.
Now you can install Mediaportal directly from BH Server.

Valid for BH and OBH last images.
Older images do not have all python files.
Why did the old ones worked with 2.1.7 until this 7.5.7. I have tryed these newer images,if i install mediaportal there is not enough memory to run it.With newest mp there are not working links fixed.

Because plugin changed and requires new python files that are not included in the earlier images and some are missing in more recent.
That's why I made IPK file that includes the necessary python files for the last images.
But not for the old.I do not use those.

You can use USB stick to install plugins .
You can use Black Hole universe for such installations.
Tryed also install from bh server,but not working.tryed also install older mp 7.5.5 but did not install,something was missing there it is imposible to use newest mp with 2.1.7? worked fine until 7.5.6 update to 7.5.7.does anyone run newest image on vu+ duo and get mediaportal to work without crashing all the time?
Tryed also install from bh server,but not working.tryed also install older mp 7.5.5 but did not install,something was missing there it is imposible to use newest mp with 2.1.7? worked fine until 7.5.6 update to 7.5.7.does anyone run newest image on vu+ duo and get mediaportal to work without crashing all the time?

If you only have a problem with the python imaging

Install it first


tryed to install that imaging,but no go,more error i can't get even the older mediaportals to work. what file that imaging should go?
tryed to install that imaging,but no go,more error i can't get even the older mediaportals to work. what file that imaging should go?

python imaging is big , so you have problem

files go to \usr\lib\python2.7\site-packages\PIL\
and \usr\bin\pil*.*

so if you like you can remove all PIL folder and all pil files.

But this is not the right solution.
A better solution is a new image with plugins on USB
or Multiboot with clean image in flash and the same image on USB stick.

I'm sorry I can not help you with old image because I do not use
I do not know what you're missing with Mediaportal installation.
how do i use mediaportal from usb,if i update the image? there seems not to be that pil folder on 2.1.7 image.
It seems that you installed all you have find
who knows what is and what is not installed.

Regarding the use of universe or use multiboot for images
Look/search at the forum.
Tryed also with newest image and mediaportal from universe,does not work either.Box freezes or keeps restarting if trying to watch something from mediaportal.Maybe it is time for newer box or something.I can't get mp to work anymore.
Tryed also with newest image and mediaportal from universe,does not work either.Box freezes or keeps restarting if trying to watch something from mediaportal.Maybe it is time for newer box or something.I can't get mp to work anymore.
Have you got swapfilemanager active on, this might help on your model found in blue>blue you do need a usb stick inserted for this to work right
Swapfilemanager,just put it on or make a spece for it on the stick? How big if using 8gb stick.Or how does this work.i don't know anything things like this.little bit off topic,if i going to buy new box (i like vu+) is solo 4k box to buy these days?
@jyffe,before you go buying a new box,just to say,its a vu+duo that I am also using,with an internal hdd installed.I transferred all plugins to the hdd. I have BH 2.1.5 installed.
Mediaportal 7.6.0 with all files

but pay attention to the 14 MB packed

First check if you have free flash (blue button >> Yellow (sys info Flash )

The problem with big plugins (with all python files) is that if installed in boxes with small flash.

In principle, this plugin can not be installed in older boxes in flash memory but USB/HDD .


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Jolatacqce,do you use newest mp with 2.1.5. i had 2.1.7 installed and did not get mp to work.and now with newest image mp from usb not working for me either.Should i use bigger usb stick than 8gb? and don't know anything how this swapfilemanager works.not buying new receiver yet because it seems something not working with arm processor.
Yes,installed the latest, 7.6.0 and it is working.All my plugins take up 2.2 gb,so I imagine 8 gb should be big enough.Perhaps members with more expertise could give their opinion on this. Sorry about delay in posting.