Latest Mediaportal

Hi, Mediaportal v.5.1.4 is out now. I have it installed, but the most important for me (as I want to watch UK channels) , the filmon-plugin stops after about 4mins.. Good quality, but the same as on the filmon-webside when you click on "watch in HD" and you can watch a few minutes after it shuts down
5.1.4 is already on our server so not sure of the relevance of that quote, as your it stopping we need much more info from you.
Are all the other sites OK ?
Hi, yes, still the problem with Filmon. It works about 4minutes and then stops. I have installed through telnet a lot of things as the following, but still got the same issue:

python-json, python-xml, python-html, python-misc, python-twisted-core, python-twisted-web, python-compression, python-robotparser, python-mechanize, gst-plugins-good-flv, gst-plugins-bad-fragmented, gst-plugins-bad-rtmp, librtmp0

python-mechanize and python-robotparser were not installed through telnet, so I searched them in formums and found two files that I installed.

In another topic or forum I read that something like the stream id changes every few minutes in Filmon, and that through a script or something (sorry I am new to this topics) it has to be updated automatically.
Do you know if this has to do with the files I installed through telnet? Or is there something I need? I have blackhole installed, and when I understand it right there are people who use VTI who say Filmon works without problems, and somebody wrote here with mediaportal 4 there were no issues. Can you help? If necessary I would install an older version of mediaportal..
Thanks in advance!!
Yes, I have uninstalled the one I had via ******* and installed now the one from the addon server. Same issue. I have tested with BBC one northern ireland, bbc 2, itv...

I have installed the (I think newest blackhole image)2.08 or 2.09 on a vu+duo2.
Do you think I should re-install? On which device and which image is it working for you?

And if I reinstall, should I only choose the mediaportal plugin from the addon server or additionally install something like the following through telnet? I read somewhere that this is needed. Is everything necessary included in the mediaportal plugin now?

python-json, python-xml, python-html, python-misc, python-twisted-core, python-twisted-web, python-compression, python-robotparser, python-mechanize, gst-plugins-good-flv, gst-plugins-bad-fragmented, gst-plugins-bad-rtmp, librtmp0
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I just reinstalled the image, and then installed mediaportal from the feed. Same issue, Filmon stops after 4mins. Can you help?
Just installed Vti-image to test with the newest version of Vti and mediaplayer, but it is the same issue. Will re-install blackhole tomorrow. Seems to be a general issue with Mediaportal. Can anyone help?
No, Geoblocking is only the case for BBC iplayer plugin. This does not even start, leads to green screen when you are outside of UK or don´t use VPN. In Filmon, every channel stops for me after 4min, not only the UK channels.