I tried to download all version of mediaportal, the python in previous post, the file mpgz, but the error is always the same attached. do you have solutions?
opkg install python-six python-imaging python-requests
wget -P /tmp http://master.dl.sourceforge.net/project/e2-mediaportal/enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal_all.ipk
opkg install /tmp/enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal_all.ipk
killall -9 enigma2
Hello I tried with Telnet but I always have an error, i have the black-hole 2.1.6,maybe is too old? if I flash a new image and then I put my original folder "enigma2" with ftp, everithing will be ok with my iptv? or I risk to loos something?
Thank you very much, I understand that using dreamboxedit all setting as channel list will be transfered and it's fine.
Regarding the cross epg can I do the follow?
After flash I will put my actual USB stick with cross epg setting in vuzero
Using plugin cross epg I load the list
It's ok?
If it's easier for me I could load open BH image as I know there are already all file I need
O sorry, yes I see all chanel via sat FTA