You know what Master ? I love your way of coding ! All is square and straight, a pleasure for the one like me who like to play with.

About my first test :
The skin is great ! Congratulation
Some points I did notice :
- Icon Dolby Digital is very pixelated and must be reviewed (especially the text).
-The end of progress bar is not obvious : may be a small clearer frame below the blue bar could help to see the end
- In main menue, as there is only one line on page 2 (blackhole shutdown), may be it is worth to reduce every line in order to have all in a single page.

I did play a bit :


yes and no

Strongest in this skin
is that we get rid of dark background.
It is now possible to use any color and color combination.
1. All these are more graphic elements for decoration and not
clear lettering for dolby e.t.c
Or we should use real letters.I think it's quite good enough.

2. Progress ...When you use skin you know where is the beginning and the end of progress .
And this is a more graphic view without some precision.In addition there is an indication of the time in OSD.
You do not need roadmap to school :D

Yes we can put the shutdown in main panel in a single page.
I have another question :
As you see I like to have the name of current universe displayed in the clock. To have only the name and not "In XXX universe", I did modify infobar.pyo (into flash image). This trick works very fine with eclipse. But in your new skin, it is OK in first infobar, but very strangely in second infobar it still calls the old 'In XXX Universe" (I have exactly the same line calling the widget universe in the skin.xml)......Is there an other I did download with your skin ? Where does it find this text which does not exist in my ?
I do not know
because I do not modify anything except skin coding.
No python coding in my skins.
Changing python coding
is not in accordance with our image rules .
We can only ask coder to make changes in python
thus work together .

But for you personally you can try to remove my coding in extra infobar and add yours.
Thanks for your answer Master,
I had already partly removed your coding in second infobar, and replaced by the one I had made for Eclipse HD B2; having adapted the size and location of all the stuff to fit your new skin.
May be there is a hidden folder ? I will check that.
As the skin is very nice, I will try to put it in flash,then a big bang, in order to have it in all universes by default, and then see if it works properly.
I found an other small mistake which is also present in Eclipse :
In EPG SELECTION screen, the size of the label for green button is not high enough when 2 lines must be written

I'll look at some of the following versions.
But the problem is not skins
But those who write such long text and translate
not taking into account the skin coding and present space.
The problem is even greater when you use one of the other languages.
Is it possible to have access to the translated file for modification, as for french sometimes the translation is very poor, and sometimes nothing is translated....
Thanks Matrix10,

I've got poedit, but unfortunately on my Uno, there is only a .mo file, which is the .po file compiled. I cannot edit .mo file. The tool can only edit .po file and therefore make a .mo.

Does someone have the current french .po file ?
Hello Matrix10,

I am having big problem while trying to translate into french some menus in your skin :
Even if I put the exact titles you wrote in skin.xml, into the enigma2.po file, the displayed text remains in english.
I wonder if it does not come from the new applets you put into your coding (MultiContentEntryText) ?

Could you please ask to the coder who wrote this code, how to make it translatable into the enigma2.po (how do I have to write the msgid ; do I have to specify there is a code) ?
This problem occurs for example in blue button,then blue, and also in first page of main menu (Black Hole Full Backup to Black Hole Weather)
Some image panels have defined names
and are not part of the standard translation.
So they have a defined name
that it is sometimes possible to change if defined
in skin.xml
and sometimes in the python coding.
Same is with plugins and addons.

here I can not help you.
I Hope we find a solution.....

I do not speak arabic, but I did try this language to see : give a look



Does not look great don't you think ?
Looks very bad
Actually for the Arabic language you have to do completely different coding and graphics,
For this, you have to know the language .
I'm sorry my friend
I do not make skins using some other languages ​​but using English.
If I have to test all other languages and make skin and graphics
then I need two months of working on one skin.
I do not have time my friend.
You need to earn money for the family and not a hobby all day.
I do not blame you or anybody else Master, far from that, I just try to make things improving......Having the best image, with best skin, with complete translation.

I did choose arabic just to highlight the problem of missing translation which is present in every language. I know it is a job for everyone from each country to help to translate, and not a job for you or the coders.

On the french one, I already added more than 200 new entries; but sometimes it is not possible for me to translate, because probably wrong code somewhere : for example in Main Menu, I can translate "Black Hole Shutdown" but none of the others where the name of Black Hole is present (Black Hole Personal Backup up to Black Hole Weather). That is why I need some help from coders. Provided someone cares of course !
I found a small cosmectic bug in EPG selection screen.

The little icon epgclock is not centered on the line (a little to high)

EPG clock2.jpg