As long as they are FTA and if for some reason the OE-A moves forward with the need of new drivers. Then only BH will still work on Vu+ decoders.
I predicted this a few mounts ago. That the move to what ever python version will be the standard in the future. Would kill the BH image.
Now I know nothing about what Vu+ plans are, But since they along with DreamProperty has chosen to not jump on the py3 train yet.
There is a reason. The 2 biggest on the sat marked can't be just giving up. I am pretty sure there will come something new and maybe even better.
Or they have just give up the Linux/Enigma2 approach and will move to Android instead.
There are signs since Vu+ already have a Google Certify device on the marked.
But for those who love the BH image the move to OBH is recommended. You will feel home in that image.
But since all py3 images is still in what I call developer mode. I see no hurry for the regular Sat TV user to rush over.
All the most common thirdparty plugin developers support both py2.7 and py3
Instead take advatage of the OMB plugin. Install OBH. Get to know the image and when you are ready do the move

Read all the nice guides written about the use of OBH.
And as a final reflection from me. This is the only Team working on 2 images so to move all the effort into one image looks very logic