Script CrossEpg Aggiornati

Allora per quanto riguarda crossepg penso di aver risolto. In pratica il problema viene dalla pen usb in quanto cambiando con hdd epg perfetto. Ora non so se riformattando il tutto va a posto oppure si sia rovinata la pen. Il file epg di EPGImport dove viene salvato?
se leggi, nella definizione del menu CrossEPG
le devices devono essere montate RW e non RO

il file DAT di epgimport viene salvato dove trova spazio maggiore di 9 Mb.
se leggi, nella definizione del menu CrossEPG
le devices devono essere montate RW e non RO

il file DAT di epgimport viene salvato dove trova spazio maggiore di 9 Mb.

In che senso montate in rw e non in ro? Ma il percorso del file DAT può quindi essere flash, hdd o usb?
RW read/write
RO read only
in una device montata RO funzionano al max i picons

La mia era RW infatti ha sempre funzionato poi di colpo il file dell'epg era come se non lo leggeva. Ora ho riformattato e tutto è ok. Però non ho capito il percorso che invece sceglie epgimport quando scarica il file dat. Grazie
Questa mattina ha scaricato pochissimi EPG.
Allego il log:
16/08/2016 07:00:00 SIFTeam CrossEPG Downloader 0.8.1+gitrAUTOINC+18c4f08afa (c) 2009-2014 Sandro Cavazzoni (
16/08/2016 07:00:01 This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
16/08/2016 07:00:01 Interactive: OPEN cmd received
16/08/2016 07:00:01 EPGDB opened (root=/media/usb/crossepg)
16/08/2016 07:00:03 Clearing old aliases...
16/08/2016 07:00:03 Loading 'aliases.conf'...
16/08/2016 07:00:03 Loaded 1 aliases
16/08/2016 07:00:03 Adding new aliases...
16/08/2016 07:00:03 Completed
16/08/2016 07:00:03 Interactive: OK action sent
16/08/2016 07:00:03 Interactive: DEMUXER cmd received
16/08/2016 07:00:03 Interactive: OK action sent
16/08/2016 07:00:03 Interactive: FRONTEND cmd received
16/08/2016 07:00:03 Interactive: OK action sent
16/08/2016 07:00:03 Interactive: DOWNLOAD cmd received
16/08/2016 07:00:03 Started OpenTV events download
16/08/2016 07:00:03 Reading dictionary '/usr/crossepg/providers/skyit_hotbird_13.0.dict' ...
16/08/2016 07:00:03 Completed. Read 510 values
16/08/2016 07:00:03 Reading channels...
16/08/2016 07:00:13 Read 709 channels
16/08/2016 07:00:13 Reading titles...
16/08/2016 07:00:40 Maximum loop exceded
16/08/2016 07:00:40 Read 2.26 MB
16/08/2016 07:00:40 Parsing titles...
16/08/2016 07:00:41 Titles parsed
16/08/2016 07:00:41 Reading summaries...
16/08/2016 07:01:40 Maximum loop exceded
16/08/2016 07:01:40 Read 8.78 MB
16/08/2016 07:01:40 Parsing summaries...
16/08/2016 07:01:45 Summaries parsed
16/08/2016 07:01:45 Ended OpenTV events download
16/08/2016 07:01:45 Interactive: DOWNLOAD cmd received
16/08/2016 07:01:45 Download channels from url: (0)
16/08/2016 07:01:45 HTTP Get (, port:80, page:rytecclouditaly.xml.gz)
16/08/2016 07:01:46 Deflating rytecclouditaly.xml.gz
16/08/2016 07:01:46 File deflated
16/08/2016 07:01:46 Reading channels from /media/usb/crossepg/crossepg.tmp.fXyzq7
16/08/2016 07:01:46 Read 210 channels
16/08/2016 07:01:46 Download channels from url: (0)
16/08/2016 07:01:46 HTTP Get (, port:80, page:rytec/rytecxmltvItaly.gz)
16/08/2016 07:02:34 Deflating rytec/rytecxmltvItaly.gz
16/08/2016 07:02:36 File deflated
16/08/2016 07:02:36 Parsing /media/usb/crossepg/crossepg.tmp.JM7gL5
16/08/2016 07:03:11 Read 64030 events
16/08/2016 07:03:11 Failed to parse /media/usb/crossepg/crossepg.tmp.JM7gL5 for new events

16/08/2016 07:03:11 Download channels from url: (1)
16/08/2016 07:03:11 HTTP Get (, port:80, page:clouditaly/rytecxmltvItaly.gz)
16/08/2016 07:03:12 Deflating clouditaly/rytecxmltvItaly.gz
16/08/2016 07:03:12 File deflated
16/08/2016 07:03:12 Parsing /media/usb/crossepg/crossepg.tmp.OVcUS8
16/08/2016 07:03:12 Read 0 events
16/08/2016 07:03:12 Failed to parse /media/usb/crossepg/crossepg.tmp.OVcUS8 (on line 1: SYSTEM or PUBLIC, the URI is missing

16/08/2016 07:03:12 No more url available
16/08/2016 07:03:12 Error downloading/parsing channels file
16/08/2016 07:03:12 Interactive: SAVE cmd received
16/08/2016 07:03:17 Interactive: CLOSE cmd received
16/08/2016 07:03:17 EPGDB closed
16/08/2016 07:03:17 Interactive: OK action sent
16/08/2016 07:03:17 Interactive: DOWNLOAD cmd received
16/08/2016 07:03:18 === RUNNING SCRIPT ALIAS EPG ===
16/08/2016 07:03:18 --- START PROCESSING ---
16/08/2016 07:03:18 Loading lamedb indexed by channel name
16/08/2016 07:03:20 Initialize CrossEPG database
16/08/2016 07:03:21 Source channel "italia 1-mediaset" with SID "0001:00820000:1770:0110:1:0" found in epgdb, using it
16/08/2016 07:03:21  dest. channel "italia1 hd" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:21  copying EPG data from "italia 1-mediaset" to "italia1" sid "0fa6:eeee0000:03ac:0110:1:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:21  copied 196 events
16/08/2016 07:03:21  dest. channel "italia 1" is eq. to source, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:21 Source channel "0e25-0708-00c8" with SID "0e25:xxxxxxxx:0708:00c8:x:x" found in epgdb, using it
16/08/2016 07:03:21  copying EPG data from "0e25-0708-00c8" to "qvc" sid "0702:00c00000:0005:0085:1:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:21  copied 156 events
16/08/2016 07:03:21  dest. channel "qvc" is eq. to source, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:21  copying EPG data from "0e25-0708-00c8" to "qvc" sid "0865:eeee0000:0389:0110:1:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:22  copied 156 events
16/08/2016 07:03:22 Source channel "tgcom24-mediaset" with SID "0008:00820000:1770:0110:1:0" found in epgdb, using it
16/08/2016 07:03:22  dest. channel "tgcom24" is eq. to source, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:22  copying EPG data from "tgcom24-mediaset" to "tgcom24" sid "0fae:eeee0000:03ac:0110:1:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:22  copied 113 events
16/08/2016 07:03:22 Source channel "rete 4-mediaset" with SID "0003:00820000:1770:0110:1:0" found in epgdb, using it
16/08/2016 07:03:22  copying EPG data from "rete 4-mediaset" to "rete4 hd" sid "0838:eeee0000:0389:0110:25:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:22  copied 125 events
16/08/2016 07:03:22  copying EPG data from "rete 4-mediaset" to "rete4" sid "0fa4:eeee0000:03ac:0110:1:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:22  copied 125 events
16/08/2016 07:03:22  dest. channel "rete 4" is eq. to source, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:22 Source channel "rai sport 2-rai" with SID "2172:eeee0000:0002:013e:1:0" found in epgdb, using it
16/08/2016 07:03:22  dest. channel "rai sport 2" is eq. to source, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:22  copying EPG data from "rai sport 2-rai" to "rai sport 2" sid "0ce5:00820000:1518:013e:1:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:22  copied 17 events
16/08/2016 07:03:22 Source channel "rai 3-rai" with SID "2141:00820000:3070:013e:1:0" found in epgdb, using it
16/08/2016 07:03:22  copying EPG data from "rai 3-rai" to "rai 3 hd" sid "4531:00820000:30d4:013e:1:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:23  copied 266 events
16/08/2016 07:03:23  copying EPG data from "rai 3-rai" to "rai 3 hd" sid "1074:00c00000:03ee:0001:1:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:23  copied 266 events
16/08/2016 07:03:23  dest. channel "rai 3 tgr val d'aosta" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:23  dest. channel "rai 3 tgr piemonte" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:23  dest. channel "rai 3 tgr liguria" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:23  copying EPG data from "rai 3-rai" to "rai 3 tgr lombardia" sid "0d4b:eeee0000:0001:013e:1:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:23  copied 266 events
16/08/2016 07:03:23  dest. channel "rai 3 tgr trentino" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:23  dest. channel "rai 3 tgr alto adige" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:23  dest. channel "rai 3 tgr veneto" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:23  copying EPG data from "rai 3-rai" to "rai 3 tgr fvg" sid "0d4b:00820000:1450:013e:1:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:23  copied 266 events
16/08/2016 07:03:23  dest. channel "rai 3 tgr friuli" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:23  dest. channel "rai 3 tgr emilia romagna" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:23  dest. channel "rai 3 tgr toscana" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:23  dest. channel "rai 3 tgr marche" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:23  dest. channel "rai 3 tgr umbria" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:23  dest. channel "rai 3 tgr lazio" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:23  dest. channel "rai 3 tgr abruzzo" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:23  dest. channel "rai 3 tgr molise" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:23  dest. channel "rai 3 tgr campania" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:23  dest. channel "rai 3 tgr basilicata" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:23  dest. channel "rai 3 tgr puglia" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:23  dest. channel "rai 3 tgr calabria" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:23  dest. channel "rai 3 tgr sicilia" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:23  dest. channel "rai 3 tgr sardegna" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:23  dest. channel "rai 3 tgr" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:23 Source channel "2c9a-2580-fbff" with SID "2c9a:xxxxxxxx:2580:fbff:x:x" found in epgdb, using it
16/08/2016 07:03:23  dest. channel "frisbee" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:23 Source channel "la3-skyitalia" with SID "2cc2:00820000:2580:fbff:1:0" found in epgdb, using it
16/08/2016 07:03:23  copying EPG data from "la3-skyitalia" to "la3" sid "0029:eeee0000:791a:217c:1:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:24  copied 395 events
16/08/2016 07:03:24  dest. channel "la3" is eq. to source, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:24 Source channel "mtv-timb" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:24 Source channel "rai 1-rai" with SID "213f:00820000:3070:013e:1:0" found in epgdb, using it
16/08/2016 07:03:24  dest. channel "rai 1" is eq. to source, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:24  copying EPG data from "rai 1-rai" to "rai 1" sid "0d49:eeee0000:0001:013e:1:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:24  copied 271 events
16/08/2016 07:03:24  copying EPG data from "rai 1-rai" to "rai 1 hd" sid "0d49:00820000:1450:013e:25:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:25  copied 271 events
16/08/2016 07:03:25  copying EPG data from "rai 1-rai" to "rai hd" sid "1072:00c00000:03ee:0001:1:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:25  copied 271 events
16/08/2016 07:03:25  copying EPG data from "rai 1-rai" to "rai hd" sid "2193:eeee0000:0005:013e:1:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:25  copied 271 events
16/08/2016 07:03:25 Source channel "supertennis hd-globecast" with SID "07d3:00820000:22c4:013e:1:0" found in epgdb, using it
16/08/2016 07:03:25  dest. channel "supertennis" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:25 Source channel "canale 5-mediaset" with SID "0002:00820000:1770:0110:1:0" found in epgdb, using it
16/08/2016 07:03:25  dest. channel "canale5 hd" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:25  copying EPG data from "canale 5-mediaset" to "canale5" sid "0fa5:eeee0000:03ac:0110:1:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:26  copied 109 events
16/08/2016 07:03:26  dest. channel "canale 5" is eq. to source, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:26 Source channel "france 24 (en francais)-eutelsat" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:26 Source channel "tv2000-skyitalia" with SID "2bac:00820000:19c8:fbff:1:0" found in epgdb, using it
16/08/2016 07:03:26  copying EPG data from "tv2000-skyitalia" to "tv2000" sid "2173:eeee0000:0002:013e:1:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:26  copied 229 events
16/08/2016 07:03:26  dest. channel "tv2000" is eq. to source, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:26 Source channel "rai 2-rai" with SID "2140:00820000:3070:013e:1:0" found in epgdb, using it
16/08/2016 07:03:26  dest. channel "rai 2" is eq. to source, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:26  copying EPG data from "rai 2-rai" to "rai 2" sid "0d4a:eeee0000:0001:013e:1:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:26  copied 105 events
16/08/2016 07:03:26  copying EPG data from "rai 2-rai" to "rai 2 hd" sid "4530:00820000:30d4:013e:1:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:26  copied 105 events
16/08/2016 07:03:26  copying EPG data from "rai 2-rai" to "rai 2 hd" sid "1073:00c00000:03ee:0001:1:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:26  copied 105 events
16/08/2016 07:03:26 Source channel "eurosport 2-skyitalia" with SID "2bc7:00820000:19c8:fbff:1:0" found in epgdb, using it
16/08/2016 07:03:26  copying EPG data from "eurosport 2-skyitalia" to "eurosport 2" sid "760e:00c00000:0408:0001:1:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:27  copied 169 events
16/08/2016 07:03:27  copying EPG data from "eurosport 2-skyitalia" to "eurosport 2" sid "2011:00c00000:0430:0001:1:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:27  copied 169 events
16/08/2016 07:03:27  copying EPG data from "eurosport 2-skyitalia" to "eurosport 2" sid "0c40:eeee0000:03a2:0110:1:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:27  copied 169 events
16/08/2016 07:03:27  dest. channel "eurosport 2" is eq. to source, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:27  copying EPG data from "eurosport 2-skyitalia" to "eurosport 2" sid "24be:00c00000:043c:0001:25:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:27  copied 169 events
16/08/2016 07:03:27 Source channel "rtl 102.5 tv-globecast" with SID "29d0:00820000:3cf0:013e:1:0" found in epgdb, using it
16/08/2016 07:03:27  dest. channel "rtl 102.5 tv" is eq. to source, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:27 Source channel "real time-skyitalia" with SID "10e4:00820000:1644:fbff:1:0" found in epgdb, using it
16/08/2016 07:03:27  dest. channel "real time" is eq. to source, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:27 Source channel "super!-skyitalia" with SID "2c9d:00820000:2580:fbff:1:0" found in epgdb, using it
16/08/2016 07:03:27  dest. channel "super!" is eq. to source, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:27 Source channel "eurosport-skyitalia" with SID "2db9:00820000:1a2c:fbff:1:0" found in epgdb, using it
16/08/2016 07:03:27  dest. channel "eurosport" is eq. to source, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:27 Source channel "k2-skyitalia" with SID "2cca:00820000:2580:fbff:1:0" found in epgdb, using it
16/08/2016 07:03:27  dest. channel "k2" is eq. to source, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:27 Source channel "fox sports-skyitalia" with SID "2e0a:00820000:1a2c:fbff:1:0" found in epgdb, using it
16/08/2016 07:03:27  dest. channel "fox sports" is eq. to source, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:27 Source channel "rai sport 1-rai" with SID "2171:eeee0000:0002:013e:1:0" found in epgdb, using it
16/08/2016 07:03:27  dest. channel "rai sport 1" is eq. to source, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:27  copying EPG data from "rai sport 1-rai" to "rai sport 1" sid "0ce9:00820000:1518:013e:1:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:27  copied 16 events
16/08/2016 07:03:27 Source channel "rai news-rai" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:27 Source channel "la7-skyitalia" with SID "057f:00820000:0320:fbff:1:0" found in epgdb, using it
16/08/2016 07:03:27  dest. channel "la7" is eq. to source, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:27  copying EPG data from "la7-skyitalia" to "la7" sid "2991:00820000:3d54:013e:1:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:28  copied 215 events
16/08/2016 07:03:28  copying EPG data from "la7-skyitalia" to "la7" sid "02c7:eeee0000:0107:217c:1:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:28  copied 215 events
16/08/2016 07:03:28 Source channel "cielo hd-skyitalia" with SID "1018:00820000:1d4c:fbff:25:0" found in epgdb, using it
16/08/2016 07:03:28  copying EPG data from "cielo hd-skyitalia" to "cielo" sid "2b66:00820000:19c8:fbff:1:0")
16/08/2016 07:03:28  copied 203 events
16/08/2016 07:03:28 Source channel "mtv music-skyitalia" with SID "0594:00820000:0320:fbff:1:0" found in epgdb, using it
16/08/2016 07:03:28  dest. channel "mtv music" is eq. to source, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:28 Source channel "02c8-1b58-013e" with SID "02c8:xxxxxxxx:1b58:013e:x:x" found in epgdb, using it
16/08/2016 07:03:28  dest. channel "radioitaliatv" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:28 Source channel "deejaytv-rete a 1" has not SID in lamedb, skip it
16/08/2016 07:03:33 Copied 5409 events
16/08/2016 07:03:33 --- END ---
16/08/2016 07:03:36 Interactive: QUIT cmd received
16/08/2016 07:03:36 SIFTeam CrossEPG DB Converter 0.8.1+gitrAUTOINC+18c4f08afa (c) 2009-2014 Sandro Cavazzoni (
16/08/2016 07:03:36 This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
16/08/2016 07:03:36 EPGDB opened
16/08/2016 07:03:36 Reading EPGDB...
16/08/2016 07:03:37 Completed
16/08/2016 07:03:37 EPG.DAT opened
16/08/2016 07:03:37 Writing events...
16/08/2016 07:03:49 Sorting hashes...
16/08/2016 07:03:49 Writing descriptors...
16/08/2016 07:03:53 EPG.DAT closed
16/08/2016 07:03:54 EPGDB closed
SONDAGGIO: Ritenete ancora necessario il RYTEC CLOUDITALY XMLTV o siete passati al RYTEC ITALY XMLTV?

Come ben sapete, il mio provider è una selezione di tutto il database di RYTEC ITALY XMLTV e magari avete cambiato direzione :D
L'ho letto, ma non ho capito. Essendo il tuo provider una selezione, il provider di rytec dovrebbe essere più completo?
Leggendo la guida, si apprende che l'OpenTV è quel provider che interpella la frequenza di Sky per il download dell'EPG settimanale dei canali dell'offerta Sky. A questo va integrato il mio provider per prendere solo quei canali che non sono contenuti in quel database.

Il compromesso è avere solo il Rytec Italy XMLTV per il download della guida. E' normale che il Rytec Italy XMLTV prenderebbe le informazioni dai siti delle guide. Non che possano essere errati ma vengono presi da li. L'OpenTV invece è direttamente l'EPG visualizzata sui decoder Sky.
Last edited by a moderator:
buon giorno,
vorrei proporvi un problema che mi si è presentato oggi.
premesso che seguo il forum da tempo e che ho sempre avuto l'epg aggiornato e funzionante.
questa mattina vado a controllare dei canali per programmare una registrazione e mi accorgo che non compare più nella lista canali.
faccio partire il download con crossepg, però, mi si blocca dopo un po.
faccio un tentativo per vedere se dal tasto lista canali, epg, sia presente, e l'epg li cè.
provo a fare di nuovo il download ma niente l'epg non compare.
verifico se alle volte la penna usb fosse non montata, ma risulta montata regolarmente.
ho anche eseguito il download con epg-import, vedo scaricare i titoli, ma il problema permane.
non so dove ancora cercare. fino ad ora è sempre andato alla perfezione, come posso risolvere?