Vu+Duo2 ATSC Black Hole v2.0.6 Rev. B (alpha)

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Much Improved but still not working. It acts as if the antenna is not connected. The USB devcie and antenna have been tested to work.
Also, my area is not available. I am near Atlanta, Georgia.
Automatic scan fails. Manual scan fails, even with frequency changed. The Service Scan menu appears immediately after starting a scan which makes me think the receiver does not see a signal or antenna connected.

Ok I will prepare some operations to do in telnet mode.
There is the possibility to give me access to your box for a limited time to test it directly?
I am willing to do whatever we need to do in order to get this running. Skype...Direct Access....Whatever you need.
I am willing to do whatever we need to do in order to get this running. Skype...Direct Access....Whatever you need.

For now I thank you for your precious support :)
I will prepare some scripts and guidelines prior to ask you direct access to your box. Also I will send you shortly my Skype id :)
I suspected that scan (Manual scan - Complete and Single freq) don't work .... but there is the complete documentation to implement it into Enigma2 ... it's now only a "simple" study & try situation ....
I've found the way to determine what PIDs, tables and other things we need to scan ATSC services.
I've tested it with DVB-T services avaiable on my country
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