its works on all vu version and i am sure will work on duo2 toIs it the apple airplayer in the duo2 or the vu version
I know that box will be absolute cracker(hopefully for Christmas),only one thing I would ask hardware developers-please can you make better tuners for duo2 then they are in uno and ultimIn my humble opinion this is primarily an upgrade to a full Media Player (both Network an File based) functionality. The processor/memory, HDMI 1.4 and 1080P and Opera support are all clear indications. This way next to being a Sat Receiver becoming a one box does it all.
I do own also an Xtreamer Prodigy Media player/streamer which is moving exactly into the same direction by adding Receiver functionality to their boxes. Interesting developments with on the downside complexity. This regarding user handling and a lot of potential bugs/caveats.
That is a real challenge. Today my PC, AMP, Blu-Ray player, Sat Receiver, Media Player and TV all play some media from USB and also from the Internet but none of them is to be regarded perfect. Each of them has shortcomings and strengths. Most functionality on all of these boxes has just been tried once and then forgotten. Who can remember anyway how they all exactly worked as all userinterfaces are different this even for the many APP's on the same product! My head is simply becoming too small.
I will not buy one until sure that there are no problems with tuner or they at least as in duo(sensitivity wise)I contacted VU+ about the missing support of Gigabit on the DUO2. Apparently this has been adddressed as they answered specs were changed and recommended me to keep an eye on their official website. This is good news for those using FTP or other methods to move files to/from the internal disk.
dysfunctional !!
dysfunctional !!
Sorry.........It's forbbidden to post links to shops or clearly illegal links.
Vu duo is on market already nealy 3 years(not 2 weeks),it's time for upgrade.And it always will be compatible.yes, and what to do who bought Vu-Duo? recycle, or free upgrade to duodududunow its the same as with nokia lumia 900 (just released) - just buyed, after 2 weeks official anouncment that no windows firmware upgrade from microsoft, as windows 8 won't run, as hardware is incompatible... and after 2 weeks more another anouncement, that will be nokia 920? (if i'm correct) or something like that...
hi all
is there any news about the sale of these receivers??
does October mean 31st?
thanks alot