Announcements Vu+ Duo2

Last week I sent an email to Vuplus. This is their reply:
"It is currently in the final stage of development. It will be launched in the market in a few months."
Hoping that "few months" will be really few! Maybe during next spring? I'm waiting, too.
hi all.

because I believe that the launch of vuo duo 2 will occur when exhausted vu ultimo and vu solo 2. I gives me that is a business strategy, or when competition Lanzen any product, in this case dreambox.

I also hope the vuo duo 2.

As a supplier told me, they didn't receive some internal parts to build the Vu+ Duo2 and deliver enough to launch it correctly on the Market.
Hope they will find solutions very soon.
As a supplier told me, they didn't receive some internal parts to build the Vu+ Duo2 and deliver enough to launch it correctly on the Market.
Hope they will find solutions very soon.
Could you please explain better? What means "internal parts"? Maybe any custom chips? If Duo2 will be delayed for long time I believe that buying Ultimo could be a good idea, but it seems very strange that manufacturer can not solve this kind of problem. Any information is very appreciated. Thank you.
Any new information about launch date? Well, I don't understand the reason because manufacturers (not only Vu+) announce new product one year before its real launch in the market.... What about development situation now? Anyone has updated news? Thank you.
No one know the true of this new device, but there are rumors that said it will in the stores in March, and rumors that said that this new device have some problem hardware. So, I need the true too.
Well Giampaolo, maybe we could buy Ultimo...... I have no Vu+ receiver at the moment, I'm waiting Duo2 to buy newer machine (Solo2 is not for me), but I suspect that more and more and more rumours are not good; maybe there are problem, as you said. Any update or REAL NEWS (not rumours) is very appreciated. Thank you.
Giampaolo mi sa che e' meglio comprare Ultimo.... Al memonto io non ho ancora un Vu+ e volevo aspettare Duo2 per prendere una macchina piu' recente (il Solo2 non fa per me), ma temo che cosi' tanti rumours non siano un buon segno; forse ci sono problemi, come hai detto. Qualsiasi NOTIZIA CERTA (non rumours) e' ben accetta. Grazie.
hello, just have to wait for this official information!!!

until today vu+ has shown seriousness I see no reason to doubt the vuduo2

Surely once they have reliable information staff will not fail to inform

hello hello

ciao,appunto per questo bisogna aspettare informazioni ufficiali

fino ad oggi la vu+ ha dato prova di serietà non vedo il motivo di dubitarne sul vuduo2

Sicuramente appena avranno informazioni sicure lo staff non mancherà di informarci

ciao ciao
Hi ,

I have a friend working in xxxxxxx he confirmed that the duo² will be in stores between 01/03/2013 -> 01/05/2013 ( Delevery time waiting around europe is included) , and the price is around 450/500 euros !!

Anyone know if Duo2's front panel display is a touch screen one? It seems a very large LCD display, probably showing TV viewing (not just advanced menu information), but I don't understand if it is touch screen. Thank you.
I am very happy with Solo 2, small and powerful.
I think that the LCD is useless, I doubt about internal wifi range and I like to use the external DVB-T tuner.
Solo 2 is a perfect replacement of Duo, what are you waiting for...?
I am very happy with Solo 2, small and powerful.
I think that the LCD is useless, I doubt about internal wifi range and I like to use the external DVB-T tuner.
Solo 2 is a perfect replacement of Duo, what are you waiting for...?

I want to wait for a box that can also replace my media player (play BD inclusive 3D). The Solo2 misses a few goodies for that amongst other port connectivity, 3.5 HDD support and I hope the little screen will allow me to use a Music Player browser navigation without the need to turn on my TV!
Duo² with 2 Gb ram et 1Gb flash + wifi ready : more plugins will be installed , activated , new sensation with the rss feeds/News/wheather/facebook notifs/tweeter/.... on the lcd display
So +1Gb flash/ram is for extras tools and sensation for a crazy user who wants all in one
Solo² (same like Duo2) but with -1Gb flash/ram , soooo powerful for entertainment watching tv 1080p60 just like duo² in everything but no lcd screen and less plugins installed/activated on boot !!

Finally both are monsters :D
This is like you buy a new car. You are in love with your BMW whether it is 3,5,7 series.. They upgrade performance every year and release new model. You really don't have to change your car every year but I will do this if I'm affordable.
For me VU+ SOLO is like a 3 series of BMW line, DUO is 5, ULTIMO is 7...I hope this is a correct metaphor. (I can't find proper position for UNO..may be 3 series coupe or M3 ? ;-) )
They make new model with bigger horse power this year. I can't wait it.
If they make hybrid model, it will be a XBMC4STB, the 'Prismcube'.