Announcements Vu+ Solo2

The price in Norway was annonced the day before yestarday : NOK : 2595 ( it is about 330 Euro) , so it makes sence .
This is end user price , which means the importer is getting them cheaper.
I will wait for DUO2 and obviously on live experiences with the new boxes as a media player.
I need the extra DUO2 display as a file browser for playing music (TV remaining turned OFF).

I am very curious about support for DVD and BD playback from Files and ISO images
- Full Menu support (the current DVD is not very good and most Media Players don't support BD menu's)
- 3D playback (Swap L&R should be supported too)
- External subtitle support also in combination with DVD and BD images (including IDX/SUB would be great too)
If this would work then i will scrap my Xtreamer Prodigy and use a DUO2 for everything. The Prodigy does these things for me now (that is to say a kind of) as it is still full of caveats after a year full of beta's.
Box is very good but price is bit high,
it should be less then 300,
I strongly disagree!
If you put everything on scale SUPPORT/HARDWARE/PRICE/wise, with it's 329 EUR the solo2 blows competition by miles.

There is not a better box or choice SUPPORT/HARDWARE/PRICE/wise, than solo2 Atm.

btw, I'm also waiting for new duo2.
I strongly disagree!
If you put everything on scale SUPPORT/HARDWARE/PRICE/wise, with it's 329 EUR the solo2 blows competition by miles.

There is not a better box or choice SUPPORT/HARDWARE/PRICE/wise, than solo2 Atm.

btw, I'm also waiting for new duo2.

I am also big fan of vu+ even in my home i have 8000 original and many more dm , i have changed to ultimo and uno and solo,
and waiting for solo 2 and duo 2,

and ur right no other box in markt have these options, i just bought uno,
maybe thats why i feel bit expensive,
and i have 256 flash is enough?
and ram is enough ?
defenatily i will buy1 aas soon as it will out,
1 thing i hate vu+ remotes controles,
otherwise perfect machines,
lets hope it will be good machine
just notcied its 12 volt comes with adapter?
why is that dm adapters always problems,
any powersaving idea?
12volt 3.5 a
any idea guys
just notcied its 12 volt comes with adapter?
why is that dm adapters always problems,
any powersaving idea?
12volt 3.5 a
any idea guys

VU+not using DM adapters :D

What do you mean >> powersaving idea???
How much power is used
depends on the device that is attached and in which operation mode, and not from an adapter.
Recent adapters are AC DC converter type
and have a very small loss of energy.
The biggest advantage of external adapter is easy to replace in case of failure,
let's not forget perhaps the most important, reducing indoor devices heating
which shortens the life of the entire device,in this case the receiver.
To put it nicely:
- External adaptors look real messy compared to integrated Power Supply Units (PSU). I don't like them.
- You miss the mechanical power switch functionality on most if not all of them (but hardly ever used anyway)
- Marginal higher idle power consumption during deep-standby. Switched mode PSU's are efficient though at idle.
This was very different with analog PSU's in the past using heavy transformers inside them.
+ They don't heat up the device, which is positive for livetime and avoids or reduces FAN needs/noise
+ The design is cheaper to make (no high voltages inside the box). This is the main reason for deploying them.
I strongly disagree!
If you put everything on scale SUPPORT/HARDWARE/PRICE/wise, with it's 329 EUR the solo2 blows competition by miles.

There is not a better box or choice SUPPORT/HARDWARE/PRICE/wise, than solo2 Atm.

btw, I'm also waiting for new duo2.

I totaly agree with you! ;)
Regarding the original VU+ USB WIFI dongle and Vu+Solo 2 .
Is it included or option with Solo 2 ?
From the limited info on the vu+ website.

I am going to say I think the Wifi dongle is an optional Extra, and not included (hope I am wrong though).
According current information as far I could read: Optional with SOLO2 and included with DUO2.

Pricetag is 19 Euro on a site which annouces the SOLO2 for 339 Euro.