Announcements Vu+ Ultimo 4K and Uno 4K announced at Anga 2016


See.... you don´t care about You tube i don´t care about Kodi
2 People 2 thoughts
If i buy a Box for around 550 ( VU 4K Ulti. ) or 270 Euro ( Uno 4K ) and need a Unicable i have to
Spend 600 Euro or 320 remember what you say in your previous Post
Your writing is all in the style I do not need no need of other users.
My the Users should decide what kind of Box to buy
Maybe it's an octagon with DVB-S2x support,who knows

See.... you don´t care about You tube i don´t care about Kodi
2 People 2 thoughts
If i buy a Box for around 550 ( VU 4K Ulti. ) or 270 Euro ( Uno 4K ) and need a Unicable i have to
Spend 600 Euro or 320 remember what you say in your previous Post


Maybe it's an octagon with DVB-S2x support,who knows

I also don´t care about Kodi ,
So I bought a Chinese android 4K for 20 euros .
This is really the best investment I've ever bought.

My wife and daughter watching Netflix, IPTV, Kodi,using android apps
and I have all sat receivers under control. :D

But no kidding
Super box for 20 euros very fast and with excellent picture.
No problem with IPTV no problem with Kodi and no problem with YouTube :D

See.... you don´t care about You tube i don´t care about Kodi
2 People 2 thoughts
If i buy a Box for around 550 ( VU 4K Ulti. ) or 270 Euro ( Uno 4K ) and need a Unicable i have to
Spend 600 Euro or 320 remember what you say in your previous Post


Maybe it's an octagon with DVB-S2x support,who knows

Of course you buy what you want.

I can only say that Uno 4K is very good box for TV
superior image quality, which is for me the most important.
On my TV I think is so far the best image quality of all the boxes that I tested.
Of course these are not huge differences but I have such an impression uno 4k is now nr1.
How will be the ultimo 4K, I do not know. I have not tested

Other things does not interest me much.

I believe you already
But at the end i can watch only 1 channel,ok with pip 2
and as i told you in another Thread i have Amazon Prime
which i use with my TV as well as all the other,necessary or unnecessary, "Apps"
So the question is how many Channels,on the same Time,do i need ?
i think we are going a bit of Topic here

I can only say that Uno 4K is very good box for TV
superior image quality, which is for me the most important.
On my TV I think is so far the best image quality of all the boxes that I tested.
Of course these are not huge differences but I have such an impression uno 4k is now nr1.
How will be the ultimo 4K, I do not know. I have not tested
Honestly ? i did not see a improved Picture quality on a Solo 4K against the Picture quality of an DM7080
thats what i can Test for the moment ;) i can´t say it know,also not in the future,if the VU Uno/Ultimo 4K
have a better Picture than the DM 900 simply i don´t buy 1 neither VU nor DMM,i wait till next year
On my TV at the moment I am very impressed with a picture with Uno 4K
Although cheaper than solo 4K.
Now whether he might better work with my TV is another question
or is actually better with a picture..

Ok enough to discuss for today.
I still have some other activities.
The easiest way to have cable TV on this new box is by using a USB tuner ? But there is nothing out there that allows watching one and recording another channel , using USB tuner ?
Many thanks
Not only they have jobs but also family ,children and they have christmas also soon. The image will come when its ready. I buy my new vu ultimo 4k wenn there is a bh image for it and not earlyer.
The one I want configured the way I need with S2 and FBC Twin + DVB T2 Terrestrial Tuner will cost me 580 Euros that without Shipping to Australia and with exchange rate is just under a $1000. WOW an expensive box. Does anyone know that this Ultimo 4K does it do 4:2:2