
Vu+ Newbie
here is the full list of vuplus remote control codes? This can be usefull to emulate it when your remote is broken !



NB : key 4 and 45 can be programmed !
Please remember that the original Vu+ remotes send a toggle bit at the end of each command, therefore the above codes might not be sufficient to effectively program a universal remote if also the toggle bit is not correctly emulated.
Please remember that the original Vu+ remotes send a toggle bit at the end of each command, therefore the above codes might not be sufficient to effectively program a universal remote if also the toggle bit is not correctly emulated.
thank's for replay !
what happen's if I send the same code twice ??
The second command (and any subsequent identical) is ignored.
For example, pressing an arrow key works only once, at least until another different key is pressed which resets the 0/1 toggle bit sequence expected at the end of the same repeated command.
hi, i have URC 3660 one for all remote control. i have semi broken VU+ Uno remote control that some keys not working. please guide me how can i set my new remote to control vu+.
Haven't you got the operating manual? This should have a list of codes, for various satellite receivers, providing they support VU+ receivers, or instructions on how to program it.
They also appear to have a support site, which claims to provide any 3 digit code, for a device.
Haven't you got the operating manual? This should have a list of codes, for various satellite receivers, providing they support VU+ receivers, or instructions on how to program it.
They also appear to have a support site, which claims to provide any 3 digit code, for a device.
Unfortunately there is no code exist for VU+ in manual, i send email to support team but not respond yet. i have original remote control but some keys are broken to learn it to new URC . i will Waite for their answer. but if anybody set this kind of remote control for VU+ please help.