
I like this version best :)
But you should dropp the scrollbars for ChannelSelect, SingleEpg, Movielist and MultiEpg Screens if i could suggest anything
They dont give the skin its correct look and people now there is more then one page.
But of cause its just a suggestion and others might think the oposite of me ;)

Anyway very nice skin like allways from you :)
I like this version best :)
But you should dropp the scrollbars for ChannelSelect, SingleEpg, Movielist and MultiEpg Screens if i could suggest anything
They dont give the skin its correct look and people now there is more then one page.
But of cause its just a suggestion and others might think the oposite of me ;)

Anyway very nice skin like allways from you :)

the scrollbars

Yes but they show roughly the position in the lists.
I know and its your work so yo deside if you want to keep them or not, but from my experince people focus on the selectbar and not the scrollbar.
And your selectbar with the nice glow is like a fly passing by an UV light ;) :) so that white ugly scrollbar in my opionon dont make your skin justice
I must say I prefer the "old" version, the one in the OBH server but not for a sheer question of taste: the old version is something completely distinct from every other skin, with its oval Infobar.
This experimental one seems one of many already seen, and you can't distinguish it so much from many other classical ones.
So, it's a matter of preserving a rare species, not only a matter of taste, in my opinion.
I must say I prefer the "old" version, the one in the OBH server but not for a sheer question of taste: the old version is something completely distinct from every other skin, with its oval Infobar.
This experimental one seems one of many already seen, and you can't distinguish it so much from many other classical ones.
So, it's a matter of preserving a rare species, not only a matter of taste, in my opinion.

Yes and no
I like panels and Menu
but I prefer classic OSDs for me it is too much oval.

So we have to go for another version :D

For @Thomas67
some parameters he may not have tested


You can use in channel list


You can also use pngs :) so lets make it glow ;)

scrollbarBackgroundPicture="skin_name/scrollbar.png" is the background of the scrollbar
scrollbarSliderBackgroundPicture="skin_name/scrollbar.png" can be diffrent from background if you use maybe an inline style
scrollbarSliderPicture="skin_name/slider.png" its the slider should be at least 20 pixels bigger then the top and bottom Height
" lets make it glow"

I'm afraid I'm going to go blind. :D

Not in this skin ,if I change I will use the same color
as a dividing line (blue)
I actually want it to be less accentuated and bright
and I wouldn't use the graphics in this skin.
Then you can stick with the white as default you have lots of scrollbars in your skins so i get as long as there is no "Windows Style" to set for all scrollbars in OE-Alliance then its a painfull work to add this code to all listbox
But lets check it should maybe be one like we have in BH....
Then you can stick with the white as default you have lots of scrollbars in your skins so i get as long as there is no "Windows Style" to set for all scrollbars in OE-Alliance then its a painfull work to add this code to all listbox
But lets check it should maybe be one like we have in BH....

I added scrollbar automatically in all the lists, I think
I didn't test everything of course
but it should be good.


Wow this is so much better and do your skin much more just nice work @Matrix10

Now we have to add this as a parameter code into BH and OBH so we dont need to set it manual for every screen with scrollbars.
Wow this is so much better and do your skin much more just nice work @Matrix10

Now we have to add this as a parameter code into BH and OBH so we dont need to set it manual for every screen with scrollbars.

parameter code

I'm not sure it can be done (but I'm not a Image coder)
I remember one discussion a couple of years ago on OpenPli forum.
But that's not a problem with the editor it's possible to change that
with one mouse click.
No its not in the core so has to be fixed if we are to use it as a windowstyle
Any way you agree with me that your skin now shows how beautiful it actually is? It was good as it was but the scrollbar did not make it just.
No its not in the core so has to be fixed if we are to use it as a windowstyle
Any way you agree with me that your skin now shows how beautiful it actually is? It was good as it was but the scrollbar did not make it just.

it was always a problem, not definitively solved.
And there are perhaps even more important ones.
So you have to stay within the given possibilities.
Besides, some things went wrong from the start
because graphics were not a priority.
Accully the windows style code for scrollbars was there in earlie OE Alliance core but have been gone for some time so maybe its not possible anymore
but lets find out i have asked the VIX Team and they will look into it and as you say its not the whole world if we have to add the code to all listboxes using scrollbars.

Me my self have all set to off so no problem for me ;) And Army have a png to cover them ;) was just your skin with the glowing selectbars that really needed a scrollbar to match the amazing look you have created