ok, instal BH in meo.......also not intended for meo?This image is not intended for MeoBoot but for the flash.
Totally not interesting to me.
BH image is a flash image.
so why is this plugin ?
ok, instal BH in meo.......also not intended for meo?This image is not intended for MeoBoot but for the flash.
Totally not interesting to me.
BH image is a flash image.
ok, instal BH in meo.......also not intended for meo?
so why is this plugin ?
ok understand, but my question is still actual....WARNING: This Image has the latest drivers and CAN NOT be installed in multiboot.The image MUST be installed in flash.Black Hole does not support images not installed in flash
ok, instal BH in meo.......also not intended for meo?
so why is this plugin ?
evident difference NatGeo from Sky Ita and Canal + Spain
So not a bug in the image, but the information from satellite
You didnt understood what I said!
I was talking about VFD display!!
For example, when you are on NationalGeo HD on Sky IT should appear "NationalGeo HD" on VFD but appear "NATIONALGEO HD".
NO ,
NOT ON SKY ITA.NOT in my Solo2 with BH image and My skin
Im using in this moment.
Channel info is the same in Channel list and VFD.
I'm using original skin and it's how works here...
When I select channel on channels list, it's all OK. But when I choose a channel, all letters are Up-cased on VFD Display. Maybe I need to update to today's update...
Also I have just one more thing that bothers me in this perfect image, if you can help me please let me know. It's this: how can I change subtitle position and size on Media Player?? It's possible on OpenPLI but on BH I cant find any option... is it possible, right?
I have test now with default skin and VFD is OK.
Maybe you installed something in the image
Perhaps LCD Picon, some plugin or similar.
LCD picon can not be used in solo2.
I think that you can not change subtitle position and size in Media Player
but I do not use , so I'm not sure if there is another possibility.
Goodnight, my bedtime .
ok, understand...With this plugin you can test any other image on USB
if possible.
And is intended only as a test possibility.
But it does not guarantee 100% working .
So this plugin is part of BH image and BH image is not multiboot (USB) image.
If you like to install USB plugins e.t.c you can use BH Universe possibility.
ok, understand...
this image (vti) is incompatible with moeboot, i removed it. Removed also meoboot according to help from this plugin, restart box, and i have still high cpu usage. Only new flashing solved problem....
swap is deactivated. Pure image.
IMO this is a bug.
Thanks for your work!
Matrix10 could you bring back the MX HC Hi color skins that were my favourite and not compatible any more?![]()
Morning! Somebody get same problem like me.. Try to play a mkv file on Media Player, but on screen it show streached faces...
Hi all!
Great work with new BH, just that i am having little problem with fancontrol2 plugin. When monitoring fan , i dont get any info about curent tmp, or rpm or voltage.
Dont know if fan is on or not :x, Anyone have similar problem?
All OK here about that too. I can see that info, like I saw in previous versions of BH
Also... another question regarding that. Which is the ideal Temperature for Solo2? Mine is working around 37ºC/41ºC, when I have my fireplace ON. Thats a good value or should be less? I have my fan in 1890rpm (I think, I cant remember exactly).
Hm, ok wierd cos i dont c curent value but when i do test i cant hear on max it and it shows results "ok"
My curent tmp is 41ºC , and no rmp ../monitor/