I see the two strings in Help menu and they are the only ones still in english in that menu
ThanksGeneral Dolby Digital delay(ms) and General PCM delay(ms) is still in english, and Display > 16:9 content as
Beta Release 1
Do you need the strings in Plugins extension menu that describes what the plugin does? Several of these are still in english
Now you are official translatorBeta Release 1
You are also BH lover nowI should think so after all this workGreat Image, Im happy to help and make it more complete.
Well, lets start with these non translatable strings.
ESSID: Input hidden ESSID
Harddisk Standby: 10 seconds, 20 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours
Infobar timeout: 1 to 10 seconds
MerlinEPGCenter: more than just an EPG
DVDPlayer: DVDplayer plays your dvds on your setopbox
I'd like to extract at first those from niglou file and eventually to add yours. Some of them are known to me.So you know about these already?
I'd like to extract at first those from niglou file and eventually to add yours. Some of them are known to me.
Ok, I see. Good job