1channel (putlocker) Plugin by @subixonfire

@Shiro: I know this thread is about 1channel, but I'd like to ask about Permanent Timeshift plugin unpause problems. I've posted my description of the problem in this thread. Aren't these problems related to the same changes in the image code? Problems seem familiar - pause/forward backward functions. If you know something about it please write an answer in mentioned thread. I don't want to make a offtopic here.
Updated my Ultimo to BH 1.7.8
Downloaded 1Channel in plugins
Very first movie i selected went straight to Green Screen... bahahahahaah
Next movie selected played but with no audio (might of been the source)
Third movie played with audio... YAY!!!!

Seems a lot better now, faster to load, faster to play, no buffering... Great, thanks guys :)
Hi All. I have used 1channel on all my boxes using nemesis2.6 and works perfectly. Big Big thanks to subixonfire...Keep up the great work
From last Friday I'm a proud owner of a Vu+ duo.
First to say thanks to @shiro and whole BH team for sending it to me.

Now when i have a real E2 box development of this plugin will probably be much easier to me. Now just to find some free time between my every day job and other obligations and ...
plz help how to install **** center in vu+solo i m using blackhole 1.6.7
**** center i want to install coz i m using **** server i hav installed **** 798 but i cannot see my online peers that can be easily done by installing **** center plugin in dream box 500 s but sir i cannot do this in vu+solo plz help . if u have **** center for vu+solo and is there any manual install method like telnet command then i shall be very thankful to u
You need to go and re-read the rules of this board.

No talk about emu's is allowed on this board, and that also means no talk about cs servers.

Also you have posted this on someone else's thread, that has nothing AT ALL to do with what your asking about.
I have an vu+duo with BH 1.7.8 light images. In 90% case of movies appear "host resolver>unable to resolve" Why? How I can fix? Thanks
Use putlocker / sockshare sources!

This error is shown most of the times because the movie(file) is deleted from the host because of inactivity or dmca takedown request.

Other then that some hosts have changed something and i need to update my resolving routines.
First of all it is an excellent idea and effort .
Congratulations ! :victory:
I have installed latest BH 1.7.8 (VU+ Uno) and works great.
Only think is when I press Green Button (subtitles) I get a Green screen crash.
Probably because I don't have DDamir subtitle player installed ?

Keep the grade ideas coming ....! !
First movie I selected go very fast to Green Screen...
After restart no audio on the channel need to hard reset then the audio is back

Vu duo BH 1.7.8 any good comment?? What can be wrong?

First movie I selected go very fast to Green Screen...
After restart no audio on the channel need to hard reset then the audio is back

Vu duo BH 1.7.8 any good comment?? What can be wrong?

If you had green screen you can put here the crashlog generated by box ....
First movie I selected go very fast to Green Screen...
After restart no audio on the channel need to hard reset then the audio is back

Vu duo BH 1.7.8 any good comment?? What can be wrong?
For the audio absence, you don't need restart the box, it's enough to change channel to solve the problem.
This is probably wrong crashlog. Related to imdb plugin. Not 1channel.

On the other side, i found putlocker/sockshare to be a little buggy in last week or something like that.