Thanks if you really understand what you're saying and as this is partly a hobby, I give you the reason.
What if I am looking for my post there is, for example all the skins are black or dark, I also know that is a characteristic of black hole images.
But who knows just giving a touch to say the least, lighter colored, blue, gray, etc. quedaria a more showy.
Mx seen your last skins that I have in my vu + ultimo and uno and maybe that's a good way.
Anyway thanks for answering. For my part, I encourage you to follow this path.
Best regards.
Yes, I understand very well what I'm saying.
and I understand your wishes and questions,
for more trendy skins with modern colors and not only dark.
Probably only those who once made some skin
know how much time you need for a solid skin.
Skin is not just a couple of panels and OSD
but a lot of panels if you want to make at least 90% of the skin.
Each of them should be coded and the graphics done.
Each of them should be tested
To make sure that it does not BUG.
A single symbol is enough to crash image.
There are some skinners who call themselves big
but they took from the BH image skin coding
and work only on the processing of our coding, but not at the core of the coding.
Work on skins is a very nice hobby
but at the same time,
stealing time that someone can spent with his family, etc.
So it is very important to find a balance.
The same goes for coding images and the like.
BH skins are not only dark skins ,or better to say skins which
use dark backgrounds.
All skins I am aware of are made with a dark background.
There are some with bright OSD and frames
but not background.
This is because the entire images
concept with additions and plugins is based on this concept dark background.
So it was very complicated to make a first skin MX HD
with PIG and really light background
because it is contrary to the rest of the image coding,
and requires a really special coding for a large number of panels.
At the same time we had to compromise
We have to preserve the speed of the image and skin.
But now we are one step further
and this new code allows the use of any color in the skin concept.
Rgd MX