Black Hole 3.0.8 Vu+ Duo2


Happy New Year to all.

Can someone tell me how to change the button bindings on VU+ Duo2 using BH 3.0.8.

Hello Alexwilmac

Yes change the function of the buttons. So, for example, if I press the program + - buttons they change the channel and not bring up epg.

I was sure you meant that ;) Because this has always been the thing I dislike the most in BH! To solve this problem, use the attached file and unzip it:
It must be written in
and it's very likely you'll need to do that again after every major updates, because they'll overwrite it by the original version.
Only OBH is 99% free to configure the k_eys as you like.


As I said, just unzip and send it to the VU+. Otherwise, it would have been meaningless to give you a file to edit ;)
It's zipped just because it is not possible to attach a xml file.
My dear... Duo4K is the last VU+ produced and on the market since a few weeks ago. Are you already celebrating too much? ;) How can a NOT 4K device be used for 4K channels?

I do not understand i have DUO2 with BlackHole 3.0.8 and i ask for what is Duo4K Drivers
I do not understand i have DUO2 with BlackHole 3.0.8 and i ask for what is Duo4K Drivers
Sorry, Yes, It can be a bit confusing, but it is because the "update information description" is unified for all vu models.
And among the changes/updates in BH3.0.8 was this update to "Duo4K Drivers". (Drivers for the Duo4K model)

Happy new year
Sorry, Yes, It can be a bit confusing, but it is because the "update information description" is unified for all vu models.
And among the changes/updates in BH3.0.8 was this update to "Duo4K Drivers". (Drivers for the Duo4K model)

Happy new year

ahhaaa ok thx .... Happy New Year

within a couple of hours you should be able to update again and this time your tuner should work.
I've a confirmation of one of our tester that have the same device.


Super, thx.
It is now working again, as good as in BH3.0.7

I still have to include this to the end of the /etc/init.d/rc file .. to have both my PCTV290e recognised

/etc/init.d/usbtuner stop
sleep 2
/etc/init.d/usbtuner start
sleep 2

Super, thx.
Happy New Year

I can't get the WLAN working on the device. The LAN works Fine. Every time I try to setup the WLAN it fails, the adapter settings just revert back to 'No'. It works on older image and on newest OpenATV image. Can't figure it out.

Any help appreciated.

Try and change your SSID and the password, avoiding special characters either in SSID or in the password. Also choose manually the wpa2 personal protocol. Let us know the result.
Hello again Alexwilmac

Actually, there is no Security set on it. I live in the middle of no where so I don't really worry about setting encryption, and also this is only used for My Android Box and Duo2 Box. It's not connected to the rest of the NETWORK which on a different ISP provider. My SSID is all letters and one space, is a space considered a special character?

Hello again Alexwilmac

Actually, there is no Security set on it. I live in the middle of no where so I don't really worry about setting encryption, and also this is only used for My Android Box and Duo2 Box. It's not connected to the rest of the NETWORK which on a different ISP provider. My SSID is all letters and one space, is a space considered a special character?

Try removing space and substitute it with another character like "_" or "-" (without double quotes of course)
Even if it might sound strange, I'd also try to set password, even very brief and simple: sometimes the lack of it causes issues.