Black Hole 3.0.8 Vu+ Duo4K

Hello fellows, I installed front panel picons for Duo 4k by Ev0, can someone please guide me on how to uninstall it and go back to the default front label picon
Thanks in advance
Hello fellows, I installed front panel picons for Duo 4k by Ev0, can someone please guide me on how to uninstall it and go back to the default front label picon
Thanks in advance

Try the uninstall panel.
Or try to use the DCC-E2 tools.(Program)
Hello fellows, I installed front panel picons for Duo 4k by Ev0, can someone please guide me on how to uninstall it and go back to the default front label picon
Thanks in advance

Here is the original file!

1) Unpack it, to a folder on your PC.

2) With an FTP tool upload it to your VU+ DUO4K at:


best regards

