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I tried different providers , but the same result no epg loaded in GUI . i can see that database of cross epg getting bigger every time i download epg but as i said no epg loaded.

Maybe you did not put good Storage Device in a CrossEPG Configuration. Try to change if you can.
(USB DISK 2.o ?? or USB stick) Try both but restart image for each case.

Or USB is not good mounted in BH Device manager.
Check with the FTP where is the USB mounted
/ media / usb ?
Otherwise I would not know.
this is by far the best BH image ever released.

If you jus somehow add pli-like subtitles fix it will be definite no#1.
Still can't get cross epg work correctly , i tried all what you said but get no epg .
i deleted the folder crossepg in my usb stick restarted the box and downloaded new epg , i can see the new folder "crossepg" created in /media/usb with files headers ... .dat .
other thing : picons and BH epg in usb work fine
Anyone else using EMC (Enhanced movie center) with this?
i get GSOD:s with EMC.

action: unPauseService[/B]
[B]action ->  InfobarSeekActions unPauseService[/B]
[B]action ->  InfobarShowHideActions toggleShow[/B]
[B]Traceback (most recent call last):[/B]
[B]  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 46, in action[/B]
[B]    res = self.actions[action]()[/B]
[B]  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/", line 190, in toggleShow[/B]
[B]AttributeError: 'EMCMediaCenter' object has no attribute 'InfoBar_NabDialog'[/B]
[B](PyObject_CallObject(<bound method ActionMap.action of <Components.ActionMap.ActionMap instance at 0x1b509b8>>,('InfobarShowHideActions', 'toggleShow')) failed)
Well I did the upgrade from 1.5 to 1.5.1 with backup and restore, seems ok... though the skin has turned into white? and the epg auto download does not want to save its settings (rytec nl/be/uk) unless with 1.5.1 you need to use the new epg system?? and I just had a crash(Cannot allocate memory) when a timed recording started while I was in the epg menu's trying to get autodownload to work again with a crashlog, but where do I send this log to?
Update: a full restart fixed the epg provider save issue, the cross epg is giving an error:
30/04/2011 19:45:19 EPGDB opened
30/04/2011 19:45:19 Reading EPGDB...
30/04/2011 19:45:19 Cannot read EPGDB
But not really important as the default rytec is working again. (and also crossepg can not be saved to the HDD even though the HDD is there for other features, ea. it is mounted properly)
The crash might be related to a timer saved in 1.5 and activated in 1.5.1

But it might be helpful if some more attention is given to the restore procedures, for example addon settings are being restored while they have not yet been added again, thus after adding all the addons you have to restore again to get their settings back and also after each restore action a full reboot is required. Maybe keep everything that is added or changed stored on the HDD so that after each flash its simply a matter of looking on the HDD to get everything back to what it was including addons.
Info about skins

You can use all old skins if you do not use USB Tuner
download Drivers panel.

If you use a USB tuner you must first download drivers from/with the Default skin
or some other skin which is for the BH 1.5.x image

Please explain more about old skin

Can anyone tell me what skin was used in 1.5 (that I can select from the skin menu, manage extensions), I like the 1.5 skin more then the 1.5.1
What does this attribute do?

elif self.__state == self.STATE_SHOWN and self.__stateNab == self.STATE_HIDDEN:
self.__stateNab = self.STATE_SHOWN

Can i just delete it? :idea:
If that will fix EMC problem.
Why do this image use 16.0 for " Eurobird 16/Eutelsat Sesat 1/Eutelsat W2M"
This gives problems when updating satellites.xml for sources like
They do use 15.8 and number 158 instead of 160.
What is the source of satellites.xml for this image?
Did scandevices from the BH 1.5.1 menu's.

[ePopen] command: ('hdparm', 'hdparm', '-y', '/dev/sda')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Blackhole/", line 653, in updateList2
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/ninfo2'
(PyObject_CallObject(<bound method DeliteDevicesPanel.updateList2 of <class 'Blackhole.BhSettings.DeliteDevicesPanel'>>,()) failed)
getResolvedKey config.plugins.crashlogautosubmit.sendAnonCrashlog failed !! (Typo??)
Vuplus 2.0.6 + BlackHole 1.5.1
That skin is not in the repository, I tried a few others but they crash BH, had to reflash to get access again, as soon as you hit menu it crashes on some python routines.
Ah found the BH skins:
Verde -> Giallo -> Addon Server -> Skins
Green - > Yellow - > Addon Server - > Skins
Try it later on and see if they are stable.
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