Black Hole Vu+ Solo2 2.0.5 galaxy

BH 2.06 , /direct / audio , correction + 14 db.
Eventually plugin least 12 band equalizer to plus 14 db
audio to the TV is atrocious. Music programs and their audio quality is rotting pumpkins Thank you very much

Please implement directly into the image. It will be better that way. Please answer if possible .. Thank you.
BH 2.06 , /direct / audio , correction + 14 db.
Eventually plugin least 12 band equalizer to plus 14 db
audio to the TV is atrocious. Music programs and their audio quality is rotting pumpkins Thank you very much

Please implement directly into the image. It will be better that way. Please answer if possible .. Thank you.

What exactly are you on about ????
I come from Slovakia. Satellite reception I have been since 1989. If the new version 2.6 BH and if it is thus possible, to implement image. Audio correction -. Sound on some music programs such as the quality of the phone.
I can not speak so much English. It can be solved?
I come from Slovakia. Satellite reception I have been since 1989. If the new version 2.6 BH and if it is thus possible, to implement image. Audio correction -. Sound on some music programs such as the quality of the phone.
I can not speak so much English. It can be solved?

There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with the present BH image or any of the others which preceded it in terms of sound quality. It's excellent either via HDMI or the optical output when connected to a capable TV or any AV amp. What you are complaining about has to do to whatever equipment you've got your Solo2 connected to or the original (bad) sound of the channels you're watching.
I have now a Solo2 and trying to install BH 2.0.5 with the usb in front the display says to press power to upgrade but it goes to the old image 2.0.2. Is there an other process to do or not?
Secondly, the BH personal backup could be copied also into the new image 2.0.5?
Format the usb stick in fat32 and extract the 2.0.5 zip file into it once again. Yes you can use the old personal back up as long it was created in a 2.0.# image.
From 2.0.5 rev B:

[*]TransCodingSetup : set defalut bitrate of SOLO2.

My rev B seems correctly installed but... how to set a default bitrate?
Opening the plugin I have the old enable/disable and port #.

Inviato dal mio GT-I9100 con Tapatalk 2

These lines are interesting:

config.plugins.transcodingsetup.bitrate = ConfigInteger(default = 2000000, limits = (100000, 5000000))
+ if self.getModel() == "solo2":
+ default_bitrate = 400000
+ else:
+ default_bitrate = 2000000

So there are a lower and higher limits... and default is set to 400kbps...
What changing that value?

Inviato dal mio GT-I9100 con Tapatalk 2
Yes interesting becouse You can change bitrate value, and interesting becouse that we can see that bitrate can be changed by code. No hardware limitation as some have said.

this value change default bitrate for solo2 to 400kbit/s