Black Hole Vu+ SoloSE 2.1.7

OK but i have no Videoguard cam to test .

If you have time you can compare and test drivers
in >> /lib/modules/3.13.5/extra/

Backup drivers/image
put drivers from org VU+ image /lib/modules/3.13.5/extra/

extra folder in to BH image.Reboot

There is a chance that the image does not work so Backup image if you need.
After reboot my external hdd is not recognized anymore, i already installed the skin that resolves the initialisation issue.
When i format the hard disk again the disk is recognized till reboot.
I use VuPlus SoloSE dual
Why would I do that? I have no problems watching with the official Vu plus image. In my opinion, the issue clearly comes from black hole images 2.1.5 onward.
First of all if you have no problems with official image you should no have problems with BH images who is based on the same codebase.
CI modules are piloted by Vu+ drivers that are the SAME for all images.

Use oldest drivers into newest images is not a good idea and you can cause some crashes due to lack of functions in oldest drivers requests by some software components avaiable only on new image.

I've suggested to write directly to Vu+ because drivers are maintained only by Vu+ and only them can fix your issue with newest drivers.
Matrix10, I have replaced the drivers in /lib/modules/3.13.5/extra/ with the drivers of the official image. Issue is still present.

angelofsky1980, I will escalate this to Vu+, let's see what they will say.

Thank you both for your support!
After reboot my external hdd is not recognized anymore, i already installed the skin that resolves the initialisation issue.
When i format the hard disk again the disk is recognized till reboot.
I use VuPlus SoloSE dual

@Matrix10 how come you guys seem to be ignoring this problem? Myself and others have posted this issue numerous times without any reply at all. VTI and VIX works fine but Blackhole doesn't. We all want to use Blackhole but are held back by this USB HDD reboot problem.
@Matrix10 how come you guys seem to be ignoring this problem? Myself and others have posted this issue numerous times without any reply at all. VTI and VIX works fine but Blackhole doesn't. We all want to use Blackhole but are held back by this USB HDD reboot problem.

Nobody ignores problems,

but we have no solution for your problem at the moment.

Are you really sure that it works seamlessly in VTI and VIX image
I have made some tests with VTI and VIX we have the same problem with the problematic USB devices .
Which formt you have test: ext? , NTFS,Fat32 ??
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Nobody ignores problems, but we have no solution for your problem at the moment.

Thanks it's just that personally I have posted numerous times about the problem and there hasn't been one reply, so it feels like it's being ignored. Glad to know it's acknowledged though.

Are you really sure that it works seamlessly in VTI and VIX image
I have made some tests with VTI and VIX we have the same problem with the problematic USB devices .
Which formt you have test: ext? , NTFS,Fat32 ??

Yes, I've tried numerous solosev2 boxes and two different USB HDD's using Blackhole, VIX and VTI.

Blackhole constantly forgets the USB HDD on reboot, where as both VIX and VTI remember it.

Are there any files or logs that I can send using a VIX image that will help?

Thanks it's just that personally I have posted numerous times about the problem and there hasn't been one reply, so it feels like it's being ignored. Glad to know it's acknowledged though.

Yes, I've tried numerous solosev2 boxes and two different USB HDD's using Blackhole, VIX and VTI.

Blackhole constantly forgets the USB HDD on reboot, where as both VIX and VTI remember it.

Are there any files or logs that I can send using a VIX image that will help?

This is more a question for coders Im not image coder
but we examine some other cases.
It is strange that this is happening only on BH image.

You did not answer.
Which formt you have test: ext? , NTFS,Fat32 ??

This is more a question for coders Im not image coder
but we examine some other cases.
It is strange that this is happening only on BH image.

You did not answer.
Which formt you have test: ext? , NTFS,Fat32 ??

Sorry I forgot to answer.

The format is whatever the default ext? is with blackhole. I've also used openpli to format drives, tomorrow I can tell you what ext? format openpli does by default.
I have also formatted the disk in Blackhole, after reboot the disk is still gone.
Now i am using VTi with no problems.
I have also formatted the disk in Blackhole, after reboot the disk is still gone.
Now i am using VTi with no problems.

It would be good to provide the names of the drive and format used ,
We have not hundreds of versions of the USB drives to test
If that problem exists in all images or only some/last,
so our coders could possibly analyze the problem.
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USB HDD's tested:

1: Hitachi Touro Mobile MX3 -- 1TB/2.5inch/USB3.0
2: SamsungS3 1TB Portable External Red

Images tested:

1: Openpli formats the drive as ext4 and mounts both HDD's on each reboot.
2: Vu+ factory image formats the drive as ext3 and mounts both HDD's on each reboot.
3: Blackhole 2.1.7 greenscreens when I try and initialise the Hitachi Touro Mobile MX3 -- 1TB/2.5inch/USB3.0

However Blackhole 2.1.7 does mount Hitachi on each reboot. It does not mount the Samsung.

Good Drive:

Hitachi Touro Mobile MX3 -- 1TB/2.5inch/USB3.0

Bad Drive:

SamsungS3 1TB Portable External Red

USB HDD's tested:

1: Hitachi Touro Mobile MX3 -- 1TB/2.5inch/USB3.0
2: SamsungS3 1TB Portable External Red

Images tested:

1: Openpli formats the drive as ext4 and mounts both HDD's on each reboot.
2: Vu+ factory image formats the drive as ext3 and mounts both HDD's on each reboot.
3: Blackhole 2.1.7 greenscreens when I try and initialise the Hitachi Touro Mobile MX3 -- 1TB/2.5inch/USB3.0

However Blackhole 2.1.7 does mount Hitachi on each reboot. It does not mount the Samsung.

Good Drive:

Hitachi Touro Mobile MX3 -- 1TB/2.5inch/USB3.0

Bad Drive:

SamsungS3 1TB Portable External Red

3: Blackhole 2.1.7 greenscreens when I try and initialise the Hitachi Touro Mobile MX3 -- 1TB/2.5inch/USB3.0

You have download default skin fix for initialisation bug from BH server>> skins
or update image green >>yellow >> Black Hole image update

UPDATE IMAGE and if you can test again. initialisation/format/mount
OK, I updated the software and I don't get a green screen anymore and the HDD canbe formatted.

However now it's gone back to unmounting the HDD on reboot.
It seems to be mounting ok now. I've got to try to work out when and why it mounts sometimes and sometimes it doesn't.

Just to compare, here is the fstab file from openvix:

rootfs / auto defaults 1 1
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts mode=0620,gid=5 0 0
usbdevfs /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs noauto 0 0
tmpfs /var/volatile tmpfs defaults 0 0
usbfs /proc/bus/usb usbfs defaults 0 0

And here is the fstab file from Blackhole:

rootfs / auto defaults 1 1
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts mode=0620,gid=5 0 0
usbdevfs /proc/bus/usb usbfs defaults 0 0
tmpfs /var/volatile tmpfs mode=0755 0 0
tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs mode=0777 0 0
UUID=9d9d7102-538f-4106-9e99-0d24dc735286 /media/hdd auto defaults 0 0
hi, great job, but i have a little problem, when i do streaming, if i change the channel i lost the comunication and must to reboot the solo se to restart the network, what should i do to fix this problem?