Black Hole Vu+ Ultimo 1.7.2 (media-tree)

Thx for a very nice image!

But I wish you could drop the 'Black Hole' logo in the display. Or is it some way to disable it?
is anyone else having problems with permanent timeshift on this image, I have timeshift setup to record to my 16gb USB flash drive but when i try this on a FTA channel the picture breaks up every few seconds. I have tried the same USB flash drive on my Vu+ Duo running BH 1.6.6 and timeshift works fine from USB with no breakup.

I have tried other usb sticks and they all do the same on the Ultimo picture breaks up, if i set timeshift to go to hard drive all is OK.

Anyone any suggestions
Sorted my problem went back to BH 1.7.0 and Timeshift works perfect on USB stick both on Ultimo and Duo, But this is broken on latest 1.7.2 image
did you try just with pen drive or with hard disk as well?

Yes i did the hard drive works ok on any image with timeshift eneabled for the hard drive but i found that 1.7.2 had a problem with timeshift enabled for just on the USB drive it would cause the playback to break up. This did not happen on the earlier 1.7.0 image timeshift works perfect on USB drive on this image.
thank you. great job. a question. can you make a plugin or something. that you can see how good signal you have to the router on the wifi bridge/dongle
thank you. great job. a question. can you make a plugin or something. that you can see how good signal you have to the router on the wifi bridge/dongle

System Panel >> Network >>WLAN connection>>Adapter settings>>Wlan Network Adapter Selection (select adapter OK)>>
Show WLAN Status
System Panel >> Network >>WLAN connection>>Adapter settings>>Wlan Network Adapter Selection (select adapter OK)>>
Show WLAN Status
i am sorry. but cant find it. in network-adapters ettings i dont have the option wlan connection. gateaway is the bottom alternative in the list.
i am sorry. but cant find it. in network-adapters ettings i dont have the option wlan connection. gateaway is the bottom alternative in the list.

if you have WLAN connected at all ???
you have in System Menu >>Wireless LAN Setup>>Wireless Network Adapter Selection >> select your wlan adapter with OK>>then you are in the panel Wireless Network Setup Menu >> choose Show Wlan Status
OR ,is the same
you can go to
System Menu >>Network>>Select Network Adapter (select WLAN connection)>>Network Configuration>>select Adapter settings>>Wireless Network Adapter Selection >> select your wlan adapter with OK>>then you are in the panel Wireless Network Setup Menu >> select/choose Show Wlan Status
find the path of the file skin_user.xml etc \ enigma2

it lines
Code: [Select]
<font filename="analog.ttf" name="VFD" scale="100"/>
</ fonts>
and replace the word analog.ttf replace nmsbd.ttf keep reloading and receiver
for колбаскин
I am new, I would appreciate your kind advice. It is the first time to use the Blackhole and it seems fantastic. but I have a problem, I describe it as the following:

My New Ultimo crashed again. It went into a loop of starting and restarting. I kept getting this message:
(Your receiver enountered s/w problem and needs to restart, please send logfile to Vixlogs, Excite Code 5).

So, I rebooted the system with a usb flash memeory stick that included : Vu+ Ultimo Vix 2.3.204 and Blackhole vu+ 1.7.2 Media tree.
I followed the Wizard, but could not complete the setup. Could not configure the system, tuners, screen, downloading ..etc.

When I switch the Ultimo on, I find a wonderful Blackhole screen starting, channel selection tv only. There is no main menu to finish setting up the system or configure it. None of the usual main menu or sub-menus is displayed. I only see one option screen which is: channel selection tv menu (add bouquet, remove entry, enable move mode, back).
It is like a trap and I cannot eccess the system options. I tried to Reboot the Ultimo to gain eccess but to no avail, as the blackhole s/w allow only one time rebooting.
Please advise ASAP.
Thanks in anticipation
Kind regards
I am new, I would appreciate your kind advice. It is the first time to use the Blackhole and it seems fantastic. but I have a problem, I describe it as the following:

My New Ultimo crashed again. It went into a loop of starting and restarting. I kept getting this message:
(Your receiver enountered s/w problem and needs to restart, please send logfile to Vixlogs, Excite Code 5).

So, I rebooted the system with a usb flash memeory stick that included : Vu+ Ultimo Vix 2.3.204 and Blackhole vu+ 1.7.2 Media tree.
I followed the Wizard, but could not complete the setup. Could not configure the system, tuners, screen, downloading ..etc.

When I switch the Ultimo on, I find a wonderful Blackhole screen starting, channel selection tv only. There is no main menu to finish setting up the system or configure it. None of the usual main menu or sub-menus is displayed. I only see one option screen which is: channel selection tv menu (add bouquet, remove entry, enable move mode, back).
It is like a trap and I cannot eccess the system options. I tried to Reboot the Ultimo to gain eccess but to no avail, as the blackhole s/w allow only one time rebooting.
Please advise ASAP.
Thanks in anticipation
Kind regards
I didn't understand if you installed the BH 1.7.2 in flash or not.
Did you it?