I put in the flash ( the BH 1,7.2 together with the Vix 2.3.204).Thank you for responding. Yes I did install it using a usb flash memory stick.
I put in the flash ( the BH 1,7.2 together with the Vix 2.3.204).Thank you for responding. Yes I did install it using a usb flash memory stick.
Ok, you can try to download again the image and to reinstall it.Thank you for responding. Yes I did install it using a usb flash memory stick.
?????I put in the flash ( the BH 1,7.2 together with the Vix 2.3.204).
can I reinstall the BH 1.7.2 mediatree alone .... Is it possible to reinstall it as it is restricted only one time installation. Thanks for your kind attention?????
You can't install two image together.
Yes you can reinstall it.can I reinstall the BH 1.7.2 mediatree alone .... Is it possible to reinstall it as it is restricted only one time installation. Thanks for your kind attention
Ok, thanks, I am going to do that now and I will let you know the results.Yes you can reinstall it.
You have to remember to put into your usb stick only the folder named vuplus and its contained.
Are there any BH Guide, how to use it.Wonderful, the file was updated and now I can eccess the main setup menu. Thank you so much.
Now do I have to install the other BH images, like 1.7.1 Server Tuner or 1.7.0 Multiboot Full backup or 1.6.7 Kernel 3.1.1 beta 2? Please advise.
No, you have not to install other image.Wonderful, the file was updated and now I can eccess the main setup menu. Thank you so much.
Now do I have to install the other BH images, like 1.7.1 Server Tuner or 1.7.0 Multiboot Full backup or 1.6.7 Kernel 3.1.1 beta 2? Please advise.
Have a look to this thread: http://www.vuplus-community.net/board/threads/vu-ultimo-wlan.4782/#post-40314On exploring the BH image, I found it difficult to configure the wireless connection. I put all the details of the settings but yet is not connected. The system cannot find the wireless network or IP address or Nameserver. The system crashes (S/W Problem) when I scan the wireless networks and prevent me from editing any settings. Please advise.
Is anyone knows how to create and edit Favourite satellite channels lists. Are there any guide or Plug-ins, using BH 1.7.2 Media Tree. Thanks.
You can use DreamBoxEdit to manage your settings by your PC.I am still trying to create a sat channels Tv list, but still can not. How can I mark the selected channels and input them in the Favourit List. Your help will be so much appreciated.