@Tamaki posted a version of the plugin for that problem.
Or you remove the red key id out of the keymap.xml in /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/MultiQuickButton
I'm sure you did, but did you try to reboot both dec and router?i would like to be able to connect to the black hole server for add ons ,picons,ect but i always get the message "sorry, conection failed"
everything else is working great, any idea why i can't connect ?
You need to attach an usb stick to be able to jump and use other universes.hello to all!thank vu team for their support!!great images!!!i have a question.i am trying to change universe,now i am to black hole universe.i puss the red button bad the message says that no space available to expand my universe.what i am doing wrong???i didnt install usb drive.i supposed that ultimo has big memory.If i want to activate parallel dimension need to use usb???thats the normal for all??also what button i puss for information for the memoty space??
I hv also same problemwith ultimo with 1.7.4 blackhole image in asiasat 100.5 dish-hd package. only one frequency 112522 can be scanned. 12582 , 12642, 12702 cannot be saned. i checked in sat find all four frequencies has 65 to 69 percent sigbal with 0 BER shown. but when tried to scan only first frequency work with 20 channels and all these channels r almost sd channels. no hd channels found, i did dvbs2 8qpsk but still no luck but same setting with dm800 works very well. hotbird hd has no problems. another thing this asiasat 100.5 has high symbol rate 40700 not 27500. please try to solve this issue if any one can help in this regard.
There isn't any picture quality worsening into this image.I installed this image but found the HD picture quality to be a lot worse than in previous images. I have uninstalled and gone back to the previous version.
hello again,i am playing my vu and i found that:TOTAL RAM 275196 and TOTOAL FLASH 449,912- is it correct ?????now i am using 25 percent flash and 44 percent ram.does vu has 512 ram and 1giga flash ....????