I found a small bug in the new firmware.
When i go to the EPG and set a timer the ultimo does give the message that he is recording, but when i want to watch the recording the file size is 0MB and he didn't record anything.
But when i add a timer manually, the program is recorded and i can watch it. The filesize is the >0MB.
I use the following plugin for epg:
Cool TV guide.
There is no crash log because the box doesn't crash. everything seems to work oke but no recording.
Hope you can fix this minor bug
The rest of the image is great and verry fast.
TNX blackhole theme for your gread image and support.
When i go to the EPG and set a timer the ultimo does give the message that he is recording, but when i want to watch the recording the file size is 0MB and he didn't record anything.
But when i add a timer manually, the program is recorded and i can watch it. The filesize is the >0MB.
I use the following plugin for epg:
Cool TV guide.
There is no crash log because the box doesn't crash. everything seems to work oke but no recording.
Hope you can fix this minor bug
The rest of the image is great and verry fast.
TNX blackhole theme for your gread image and support.