Black Hole Xbmc beta 02

1 Channel is sticking on 56% or 80% etc...

It seems to try to download YOUTUBE plugin but does not manage and hangs.

Any tips from the experts is appreciated.

Ideally can one run it from USB? And is there a procedure to PUT it there as i cannot find ./xbmc in root or /media/hdd and have all filetypes enabled.

@dwane Install XBMC on your pc and install all the plugins that you want. If you are done with this make a backup with the plugin XBMC Backup you can download it standards from in XBMC.
Install now the backup plugin on XBMC on your box en load your backup file. Now you have all your installed plugins from the pc on your satbox XBMC

I tried USTVNOW.. works with NO Audio... This is a common problem in many channels.. How this can be fixed ?
Also How to get a PVR client fot the LIVE channels ?

question:- will a full backup within the bh image back up .Xbmc files on hdd? (I suspect not but wanted to ask)
i've made a full backup from within the image, looking I have 3 files kernel_cfe_auto.bin root_cfe_auto.bim & reboot.update but I noticed that the original 2.1.4 file I installed has 5 files. initrd_cfe_auto.bin & splash_cfe_auto.bin are missing from my back up is this normal?
I did see an error when backup had completed about the splash screen
I have 2 x solo2 and was going to install my backup on to the other receiver
thanks in advance
ps where are my system settings stored I thought I had made a back up of them separately but unable to locate them on hdd
@dwane Install XBMC on your pc and install all the plugins that you want. If you are done with this make a backup with the plugin XBMC Backup you can download it standards from in XBMC.
Install now the backup plugin on XBMC on your box en load your backup file. Now you have all your installed plugins from the pc on your satbox XBMC..................

I have done but It does'nt work.