Elegance HD

Elegance 2






Fastest PIG skin so far and with with the greatest PIG monitor (size is 50% from full size)
The speed is higher three to five times.
Which means immediately switch channels panels osd and menu

Matrix10’s Registered & Protected Graphic

  1. Copyright:All Rights Reserved
  2. Registered:Wed Dec 14 20:06:43 UTC 2011
  3. Fingerprint
  4. Title:EleganceHD (PIG) skin
  5. Description:EleganceHD (PIG) skin
I am looking forward to testing this as Elegance is the skin I keep going back to after testing others, I like the plain black and unfussy structure of it.
I am looking forward to testing this as Elegance is the skin I keep going back to after testing others, I like the plain black and unfussy structure of it.

I know
one is a good skin and other rich graphics.

Good skin does not mean just good graphics
but much more than that.

First of all, good coding and good balance between graphics and information.
Of course it takes much time for a good result.

Unfortunately I am currently using antibiotics
due to severe flu.Still getting better.
Then could we remove the digital clock,why do we need 2 clocks?? a waste of space

No My friend

I have answered this question several times.
someone loves analog someone elsea digital clock ,
you can remove it for yourself in skin.xml

<screen name="InfoBar"
and in
<screen name="Nab_ExtraInfobar"

remove this

<widget source="global.CurrentTime" render="Label" position="1090,24" size="95,30" font="Regular;28" valign="top" halign="right" backgroundColor="#211b1b1b" transparent="1">
<convert type="ClockToText">Default</convert>
<widget source="global.CurrentTime" render="Label" position="1187,27" size="45,22" font="Regular;19" valign="top" halign="left" backgroundColor="#211b1b1b" transparent="1">
<convert type="ClockToText">Format::%S</convert>
I know
one is a good skin and other rich graphics.

Good skin does not mean just good graphics
but much more than that.

First of all, good coding and good balance between graphics and information.
Of course it takes much time for a good result.

Unfortunately I am currently using antibiotics
due to severe flu.Still getting better.

I wish to you to have a better health now, take care.
Hi, Elegance HD is the best! I like this simple look. But I have one question, is possible to disable the date on display? Alone clocks are better.