Error software STB VU+zero help


Vu+ Newbie
Hi everyone.
I download this image Black Hole 2.1.7 MultiBoot for my vu + zero , it happens that began to give software problems as shown in the picture, and not start ... I put my picture Black Hole 2.1.7 MultiBoot 3 times is running but some time later turns out to be the same problem.
Could you help me ... what better image to vu + zero ?
If you have to delete any file in any folder?
When I install a new image if it erases everything that was previously in the box?
Thank you


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Hi everyone.
I download this image Black Hole 2.1.7 MultiBoot for my vu + zero , it happens that began to give software problems as shown in the picture, and not start ... I put my picture Black Hole 2.1.7 MultiBoot 3 times is running but some time later turns out to be the same problem.
Could you help me ... what better image to vu + zero ?
If you have to delete any file in any folder?
When I install a new image if it erases everything that was previously in the box?
Thank you

To refine your issue ... if you have an HDD connected to your STB ... you must have on /media/hdd root folder a crashlog file from this issue, if not, it must be on your /home/root folder.
Download it and reply with it here on forum.

Probably you have installed a plugin that not matchs with your STB ... for example a skin or other stuff.

best regards
Boa noite nunigaia, podes explicar isso em tuga.
Eu não tenho nenhum HDD inserido na vu, apenas instalo a imagem Black Hole 2.1.7 MultiBoot
daqui do forum na primeira vez, na primeira instalação acho que no TSPAINEL instalei um plugin qualquer sem intenção, mas ja meti novamente a imagem sem instalação qualquer e de um momento para o outro aparece o tal erro.

Quando faço nova instalação de imagem não apaga tudo?
Tenho que apagar alguma coisa por FTP depois da instalação?
Agradeço ajuda.
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Boa noite nunigaia, podes explicar isso em tuga.
Eu não tenho nenhum HDD inserido na vu, apenas instalo a imagem Black Hole 2.1.7 MultiBoot
daqui do forum na primeira vez, na primeira instalação acho que no TSPAINEL instalei um plugin qualquer sem intenção, mas ja meti novamente a imagem sem instalação qualquer e de um momento para o outro aparece o tal erro.

Quando faço nova instalação de imagem não apaga tudo?
Tenho que apagar alguma coisa por FTP depois da instalação?
Agradeço ajuda.

The trouble is that Panel ... and this panel is not welcome here, because it allows the acess to illegal stuff against the forum rules.

O problema é esse painel ... e esse painel não é bem vindo aqui no forum, porque permite o acesso a plugins ilegais que vão contra às regras do mesmo.

Nesse sentido aconselho-te e peço-te para ler as regras do forum ... especialmente o parágrafo 4. -->

Quando fazes a nova instalação apaga tudo ... a não ser que utilizes uma imagem backup.
Por FTP verifica a pasta /home/root .... hás-de ter lá o crashlog.

Don´t forget to read carefully the forum rules! ;)

The trouble is that Panel ... and this panel is not welcome here, because it allows the acess to illegal stuff against the forum rules.

O problema é esse painel ... e esse painel não é bem vindo aqui no forum, porque permite o acesso a plugins ilegais que vão contra às regras do mesmo.

Quando fazes a nova instalação apaga tudo ... a não ser que utilizes uma imagem backup.
Por FTP verifica a pasta /home/root .... hás-de ter lá o crashlog.

Don´t forget to read carefully the forum rules! ;)


I can not now access the files via FTP login failed DCC says , will be the image that enter ... is the original vuplus -image- vuzero - 20151029171251_usb
access is not user:root Pass:root. I do not remember seeing those folders you speak / home / root...can you explain the directory is that I 'm pretty sure I've never seen this directory.
Now already appears that home directory lines / root and already enter again for FTP directory but this has nothing is empty . to go after the error will be impossible because I get no FTP access .
Now already appears that home directory lines / root and already enter again for FTP directory but this has nothing is empty . to go after the error will be impossible because I get no FTP access .

Check your network settings.
Did you have entered the correct IP of your STB?

best regards
Check your network settings.
Did you have entered the correct IP of your STB?

best regards

im already getting tired of so much trouble with vu + my dream works well with DCC , what I noticed was that after installing the image it works all then starts giving problems or software and and now the FTP access as may see in the picture my password but this was already tried with several possible passwords and FTP connection does the same . Another thing I noticed yesterday is that on my pc on Network Place appears acessoa VU and so can not access the files ... will be that it is some ?


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im already getting tired of so much trouble with vu + my dream works well with DCC , what I noticed was that after installing the image it works all then starts giving problems or software and and now the FTP access as may see in the picture my password but this was already tried with several possible passwords and FTP connection does the same . Another thing I noticed yesterday is that on my pc on Network Place appears acessoa VU and so can not access the files ... will be that it is some ?

Click in experts and check the flag from "active" to "passive".
Click in experts and check the flag from "active" to "passive".

Insert new image now BlackHole - 2.1.4 - vuzero already have FTP access again but only in VU Experts / Passive mode not in Active , but the experience that I have previously think it will leave again to work or else green screen software problems , will be I'm doing something wrong or upload the image or install anything wrong? So to say that the pictures are all forum and not beckups .



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I am very sad about this situation in the box .:wallbash:
Within the VU forum community anyone help me?
All pictures BH gave me this software problem.
I do not install any plugin only the image and the channels , and I think if the box is turned off will occur this problem. I did a test with OPENPLI and worked well with no problems. I'm sure someone has a VU + ZERO with BH to function without giving this


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ERROR STB image BH "VuZero"
File: usr/lib/enigma2/python/ line 591 in <module> runScreenTest


    from Components.ParentalControl import parentalControl

File: usr/lib/enigma2/python/ line 445 in plugins.readPluginList(resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS))


File: usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ line 103, in readpluginList self.addPlugin(p)
for p in plugins_added:
            if self.firstRun or p.needsRestart is False:

File: usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ line 30, in addPlugin plugin(reason=0)
self.plugins.setdefault(x, []).append(plugin)
                if x == PluginDescriptor.WHERE_AUTOSTART:

File: usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/BlackHoleApi/ line 47, in autostart


File: usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/twisted/internet/ line 397 in listenUNIX p.startListening()
 assert unixEnabled, "UNIX support is not present"
        p = unix.Port(address, factory, backlog, mode, self, wantPID)
        return p

File: usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/twisted/internet/ line 123 in startListening raise CannotListenError, (None, self.port, le)
except socket.error, le:
            raise CannotListenError, (None, self.port, le)

CannotListenError: Couldn`t listen on any:/tmp/Bhapi.socket: (Errno2) No such file or directory.

Tanks help


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ERROR STB image BH "VuZero"
File: usr/lib/enigma2/python/ line 591 in <module> runScreenTest

Listen ... this is not the error ... The error is a plugin or panel you have installed that prevents the system create the plugins list. Without the crashlog´s file we can´t help you much more ... Uninstall the panel or plugin ... or Do a fresh image install from scratch. More, i´ve warned you ... for reading the forum rules :chair:

best regards
You have again installed a plugin or emulator that crashed your image ?

We not support plugins and emulators here.

If you installed a clean image, then he does not crash
Hello ,
I did not install any plugin only BlackHole - 2.1.4 - vuzero image for USB , this is a plugin?
After you install this BH image Vuzero crash.
Hello ,
I did not install any plugin only BlackHole - 2.1.4 - vuzero image for USB , this is a plugin?
After you install this BH image Vuzero crash.

You haven´t any reason ... Blackhole crash´s because you have installed a " panel that are not welcome here " .
As i said on #4 post and @Matrix10 said on #13 post ... read the forum rules, and please respect them -->

best regards
Hello ,
I did not install any plugin only BlackHole - 2.1.4 - vuzero image for USB , this is a plugin?
After you install this BH image Vuzero crash.

Image from this forum ??
Why BH 2.1.4 when it is the old image.
Try BH 2.1.7 from this forum.

We tested all these images
and never crash after a clean installation.
Image from this forum ??
Why BH 2.1.4 when it is the old image.
Try BH 2.1.7 from this forum.

We tested all these images
and never crash after a clean installation.

Hi Matrix test this forum image BH 2.1.4, 2.1.5, 2.1.7 all chash.
I believe it is problem of box thanks anyway .
Hi Matrix test this forum image BH 2.1.4, 2.1.5, 2.1.7 all chash.
I believe it is problem of box thanks anyway .

If you have another USB pen drive to flash your STB ... test with it.
Format the USB pen drive as FAT32 ( FS = File System ) ... and flash it.

If you have another USB pen drive to flash your STB ... test with it.
Format the USB pen drive as FAT32 ( FS = File System ) ... and flash it.


I know what I'm doing and I'm in trouble is because something is wrong not because they do not know what to ask and what I do ... before asking something tested in other ways to see if it works , I'm no novice in these systems linux so I went administrator and only founded the largest Portuguese forum for research . I believe that the problem is a plugin that was previously installed and you do not support , so far so well . What I ask is that BH pictures were giving problems with clean installation , even getting into parameters of manufactures in VU but it seems they do not understand what I say.