I had the exact same trouble as Steffan.
Having Argparse installed, and following steps made it work .
the only thing i hadent tried myself before was
killall -9 enigma2
before updating drivers.That apperently made the trick.
thx for the help @nunigaia
I tried again...but still no luck. It installs under "Extensions", but does'nt show in Plugins. I get this "error" when trying to close Meny/Plugin:
Some plugins are not available:
Extensions /TMDb (cannot import name eTPM)
Extensions /Mediaportal (cannot import name eTPM)
Extensions /MyTube (No module named apiclient.discovery)
How to find out if I have (or need) Argparse installed? I use Open Black Hole image....
Somehow, TMDb is also gone....before when I long pressed EPG button it showed together with Cool TV guide etc..
opkg remove enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal
Killall -9 enigma2
opkg remove python-argparse
Killall -9 enigma2
How about this?
View attachment 25608
Success finally. Thx a million for your support and never giving up....
I can't believe it......this morning Mediaportal was gone....I don't know if I shall cry or laugh..? This is to much.
On my OpenElecBox (Wetekplay) it's working perfectly. I even managed to upgrade from 7.3.5 to 7.4.2 without any problems.
I'll give up for know with OpenBlackHole and MP. I'll think I'll try Black Hole's latest image from OpenMultiboot and see if it's working there...
(I see that this happened to others as well.)
I can't believe it......this morning Mediaportal was gone....I don't know if I shall cry or laugh..? This is to much.
On my OpenElecBox (Wetekplay) it's working perfectly. I even managed to upgrade from 7.3.5 to 7.4.2 without any problems.
I'll give up for know with OpenBlackHole and MP. I'll think I'll try Black Hole's latest image from OpenMultiboot and see if it's working there...
(I see that this happened to others as well.)
I can't believe it......this morning Mediaportal was gone....I don't know if I shall cry or laugh..? This is to much.
On my OpenElecBox (Wetekplay) it's working perfectly. I even managed to upgrade from 7.3.5 to 7.4.2 without any problems.
I'll give up for know with OpenBlackHole and MP. I'll think I'll try Black Hole's latest image from OpenMultiboot and see if it's working there...
(I see that this happened to others as well.)
Yes, it's there, but does'nt show up under Plugins (green button).But ... how it´s gone? You can´t find the plugin? Is the plugin under /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions ??
I have just rebooted or restarted enigma and then it does'nt "show up" any more. Some guy earlier in the thread had same experience.....It did not just go overnight, what did you do ?
It is on all my box's just fine.
Yes, it's there, but does'nt show up under Plugins (green button).
I have just rebooted or restarted enigma and then it does'nt "show up" any more. Some guy earlier in the thread had same experience.....
I tried to install the version above here the output of the commands
root@vusolo2:/# opkg remove enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal
Removing package enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal from root...
Removing MediaPortal Plugin from the system ...
root@vusolo2:/# opkg install /tmp/enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal_7.4.2_all.ipk
Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal (7.4.2) on root.
Checking for an older version of MediaPortal in the system...
MediaPortal was not found in the system
Checking free space...
Proceeding to installation...
Configuring enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal.
Checking free space...
Downloading http://downloads.sourceforge.net/pr...2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal-wallicons.ipk.
Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal-wallicons (7.4.2) on root.
Configuring enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal-wallicons.
* MediaPortal installed *
* *
* Restart the Engima2 GUI to activate the plugin *
how you can see I had no error message but still the plugin doesn't appear in the list
the same installin it from feeds
View attachment 25633
here my info about decoder is a vu+solo2
thank you
killall -9 enigma2