Last MP uses newer python files that we don't have
in VU + coding
ONLY for 4K VU+ box
To install the latest version you must first manually install all python ipk files from my ZIP.
(copy ipk files to /tmp and Install manually green button>>yellow>>Manually Install ipk packages)
you must install last
You can now install the last MP
As far as I've seen there are MP addons that don't work.
I am not the author of the MP so you have to ask the author.
For YouTube you need an Api-key
If you need it you have to look on the internet how to do it
API key for You Tube and then you have to add it to the MP.
hi and thx for you help,
same problem here on duo2 witch python is needed for the update
Hello. I`m just a newbie at Blackhole and Enigma2. I cant instal this plugin and collect some errors^
Collected errors:
* satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal:
* python-youtube-dl (>= 2020.06.16) * python-requests (>= 2.11.1) *
Where i can find missed dependencies for my image? Thanx in advice
My receiver is VU+ZERO4K with BH 3.0.9.L image
Mouna , did you find python update file for vu+ duo2? I have searched also,but did not find.
Mediaportal works, but does not update. Somehow i got the previous version working,when it came out. Now it says can not update ,because it is same version. Mediaportal shows version 31.5.2020. Mediaportal is good plugin, so it is sad if the support is gone.
to @: matrix10 and @ Hall9000- I installed MP python and media portal from 17.7.2020 and I'm satisfied. I have VU + Uno 4K SE and IMG Black Hole.Update
Mediaportal GrayZone Plugin 13.09.2020
to @: matrix10 and @ Hall9000- I installed MP python and media portal from 17.7.2020 and I'm satisfied. I have VU + Uno 4K SE and IMG Black Hole.
I don't know why there is a MediaportalGray Zone Plugin from 9/13/2020, because I can't install it in my receiver. Thank you for answer.
Mediaportal GrayZone Plugin 13.09.2020
Mediaportal GrayZone Plugin 13.09.2020 has no movie content. Where can I get movie content and how to get it into the plugin. I am a greenhorn and thanks for the advice.Update
Mediaportal GrayZone Plugin 13.09.2020