I use standard HDMI cable with @Likra sat list and satellites.xml .
From Lyngsat
Hmmm Matrix I did not ask you about hdmi

my solo2 is absolutely WELL and working GOOD
I use standard HDMI cable with @Likra sat list and satellites.xml .
From Lyngsat
Yes, it does.does solo2 support SPDIF optical audio out:
Hmmm Matrix I did not ask you about hdmi
my solo2 is absolutely WELL and working GOOD
what channel list do you use? have you got satellites.xml in channel list folder?
and freezing issues: how your TV is linked with receiver? do you use hdmi?
Technically, everything is always in beta, there is no final version of drivers, enigma2, or OE.I can see by this update that there is work to be done.
Im waiting for the Duo2 and also interested in the development of the drivers that are still a bit beta, if you know what i mean. Its normal to happen its a big box update, we hope that the tuner is good enough and keep up like the rest.
Thats my big question right now, lets hope that the drivers keep coming with new breakthroughs, and also Transcoding is very important.
Many important things to be done, im sure you know that better than me. The most important things arent working at full capabilities of the hardware, maybe not 60% i would say. The problem now is that we have more hardware for the software, and back on the Dreambox days we had more software than the hardware capabilities. Enigma1 ou 2 is still beeing developed but you know their limits, in this new generation of VU we dont know the limits yet.
Have you guys tested the reading times (ms) of some provider cards? Can you compare the reading times with other previous receivers with the same cards?
Thanks for the work to the community, you guys are fantastic
Thanx for reply
I have also ambilight, and hdmi works fine , i use my DM8000 , with it, all hdmi devices works fine, i have uno , and solo also works fine, only solo2 have this problem, any ideas plz
Tel us the exactly type of your tv .........and the tv Firmware .Because they do some updates.....
Tomorrow... probably ...i will receive my solo2.
I have the Philips 37PF9830 cineos.
Attention, Solo2 has a better fan like Duo. It can be temperature controlled by fancontrol2, because is PWM controlled.Yes, the Solo2 has a fan, like Duo.