Vu+ User
On my android phone my bitrate is 1000/350 and frame rate is 30000/30000 and On my Solo2 bitrate is 0350000 and frame rate is 30000 and it works fine if I'm anywhere with a good wifi signal.
What smartphone/tablet are you using and what app?i have a Vu+ duo2
Please, can you put here screenshot of settings in VU+ Player aplication on android?i'm usin througt WIFI 8mb and iphone vu+PLAYER apps, but i think and nedd to slow the bitrate becouse my upload speed it's 500kb,
Please, can you put here screenshot of settings in VU+ Player aplication on android?
Before in my old android phone I have this and it's good working.
Now in my new android phone and new images in Solo 2 (BH or Openpli, never mind) it's working good in my home netwotk, but it's not working outside home network. Ports 80, 8001 and 8002 are opened in router and in router is added DNS address
Lasts days on my home network internet I see my outside IP address is constantly changing, in time period of 5-10 seconds and I see that on web site I'm install PC program Updater for and when I press button Refresh it's appear new IP address too.
Is it only problem or something else?
I forgot password for Solo 2 and in applicarion's settings VU+ Player android in field password I leave blank. Is it good?
Послато са 6037K користећи Тапаток 2
Problem was on internet provider side, because it's changing IP adress always.Please, can you put here screenshot of settings in VU+ Player aplication on android?
Before in my old android phone I have this and it's good working.
Now in my new android phone and new images in Solo 2 (BH or Openpli, never mind) it's working good in my home netwotk, but it's not working outside home network. Ports 80, 8001 and 8002 are opened in router and in router is added DNS address
Lasts days on my home network internet I see my outside IP address is constantly changing, in time period of 5-10 seconds and I see that on web site I'm install PC program Updater for and when I press button Refresh it's appear new IP address too.
Is it only problem or something else?
I forgot password for Solo 2 and in applicarion's settings VU+ Player android in field password I leave blank. Is it good?
Послато са 6037K користећи Тапаток 2
I think there is the possibility to generare a m3u file for an entire favourite folder ....Hi,
can we use this method to stream all the bouquet channels at once, or we can only view one channel
can someone help with the settings on vu+player or dreamdroid to connect outside the network.
Ports 80, 8001 and 8002 are opened in router and in router is added DNS address also added DNS address in my receiver but for some reason cant connect outside the network.My receiver is vu+uno4k with the latest blackhole image
thank you
did you set static ip to your vu box?
try to run a little program called duc from to your pc. it updates every five minutes your external ip.
find out your external ip and put it on a browser out of your network (from a mobile) and see if you can connect
I dont have static ip, i am using no-ip and i already set it to my router and to the vu box but it doesnt connect.I also tried port 1222 instead of 80 but still nothing.
p.s inside my network it working fine
of course i have disabled dhcp and the box has static ip.Dont know why it's not working i am considering trying another image(maybe openatv)when you configured your router ports it asks you also for an ip of your box. This ip have to be static. disable the dhcp from box and set it like the one you put in router.
In port forwarding configuration in your router you have to open port/ports and forward port/ports to IP of your BOX.