Try what Logan saidYes it is.
Here I have attached the settingsfile
Try what Logan saidYes it is.
Here I have attached the settingsfile
I have insttaled en 320 gb hard disk mount media/hdd and an 1Gb USB pendrive mount on media/usb.Have you installed an hard disk/usb pendrive mapped on /media/hdd ?
I have insttaled en 320 gb hard disk mount media/hdd and an 1Gb USB pendrive mount on media/usb.
That is very strange.No, still the same![]()
I manage to fix it. I had to do two things
First i change the attributes to the three script files to 755 via dreambox control center.
This fixed the no permission but another fault message with script can not be found was there instead.
Then i had to delete the empty lines in the stop and start script files.
This did the trick and now everything works perfectly for me.
By the way, the default location in the settings.json file for incomplete downloads is in the flash memory, so the first torrent I downloaded filled the flash meomory very quickly. When I change the location to hdd it works fine
Thank you for your time and help
How can I make the start transmission script to automaticly start when i start the box?
I was just telling you to do thisAfter trying some things I found out that if I copy the transmission file from /usr/script and replace the transmission file located in /etc/init.d it works!
Now it automaticly starts when the box starts, and I can start and stop it from the script panel![]()
It seems that it doesn't go to pause. So it is for me, that's why you cannot resume it.I have one small issue with the webinterface to transmission
If I paused a torrent, it's not possible to resume it. The button is blanked out. (see picture)
I know its possible to right click the torrent and resume it, but this is not possible if I use my Ipad or my phone
View attachment 5077
so is there any final release for this plugin ?
i am getting this error
/bin/sh: /usr/script/start_transmission_userscript.sh: not found
first it is in Italian languagehere: http://www.vuplus-community.net/board/threads/transmission.3648/page-2 the guide for solve your problem
first it is in Italian language
2end i translate it using google but when i used
dos2unix / usr / scripts / Start_Transmission_userscript.sh
i got this error
"dos2unix: can't move '/5FiwjP' to '/': Device or resource busy"
any idea please ?
dos2unix /usr/scripts/Start_Transmission_userscript.sh
Verify if the file stay into /usr/script folder of your box.dos2unix: can't open '/usr/scripts/Start_Transmission_userscript.sh': No such file or directory
using DCC the file exist in /usr/scriptVerify if the file stay into /usr/script folder of your box.
If you don't have, install BH packages posted by Tamaki.
Ok check the name of the file and the path.using DCC the file exist in /usr/script