Announcements Vu+ Duo2

Sorry, but I'm only end user, not a seller and I repeat, these are the prices from Vu+ official Eastern Europe distributor. He sells Vu+ double DVB-S2 tuner for 75.- Eur.
I just paid 90 Eur for mine in The Netherlands. This is the best tuner to use in the new Duo2.
too as it leaves an empty slot for whatever you like.
Guyz, this is a forum section for Vu+DUO 2 HD , the new modell from VU+ , not a section for Twin DVB-S2 tuner modul from same manufacturer.
Please , stop posting OT issues .
I almost believed that some members of the forum already got Vu+Duo 2 for the rediculous price of 90 Euro :blink:
Guyz, this is a forum section for Vu+DUO 2 HD , the new modell from VU+ , not a section for Twin DVB-S2 tuner modul from same manufacturer.
Please , stop posting OT issues .
I almost believed that some members of the forum already got Vu+Duo 2 for the rediculous price of 90 Euro :blink:
Sorry about your confusion, but still a valid recomendation when it comes out get it with the new tuner. I doubt that it will be the standard offered configuration and that you will have to look for it. That is just a hunch and if this has not to do with Duo2 than I eat my hat. A good time filler since apparently we still have to wait multiple months!
In a Portuguese reseller they are pointing May also.

Either way i just bought a reservation ticket for it, so when it arrives i can be an "early adopter".
May is before Anga Cable 2013 ( 4 to 6 June 2013 in Cologne ) .
Could be very nice to receive more info regarding final technical spec , maybe some pictures , so we can get impression if the TFT display is still on board ???
NO USB3.0 :wallbash:
What would you expect from USB3? Yeah the spec is better but if it is effective for anything you may do with a DUO2?

It also has an eSATA which does not make a disk faster than via USB2 despite better specs and far lower overhead.
It will have Gigabit Ethernet: That is important for network transfers/access and yes the box would be limited by a fast ethernet.
Obviously you are using Translator again, just wait for the Duo2 to be released, no need to ask when.
just wait for the Duo2 to be released, no need to ask when.
Why not? Do you believe it's right choice announcing a revolutionary device one year before real market launch? I don't think so. Or, as I said earlier, probably they had developement issues. If so, nothing more to say, it happens. If not.... why it seemed in 2012, delaying in March 2013, then April, May, now (maybe) at ANGA CABLE in June..... Not a good situation, you know. This is just my opinion. Any new update is appreciated. Thank you.